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Friday, September 23, 2016

Exclusive: Hillary To Drop Out of Race If She Cancels Debate

High level sources say top democrats may turn on Clinton

Alex Jones breaks down how Infowars was given information directly from the secret service back in August detailing Hillary Clinton’s health and was proven right after an amateur photographer captured Hillary collapsing near a 9/11 ceremony in New York.

Now Infowars has received information from multiple high level sources detailing that if Hillary fails to show up at the first presidential debate, scheduled to be the biggest in history, the democrats will force her to drop out of the race.

The democrats also began holding special meetings to find a possible replacement as media outlets wondered if Clinton would be well enough to continue her campaign.



  1. This election is absolutely amazing.
    It is unbelievable how the DNC thought it could campaign for a person who was literally dying right before our eyes?
    How could they do this?
    Why would they do this?
    What is happening to our Country?

  2. Well.....let's just see if she shows up for the debate. My guess is that her handlers are currently trying to see if they can adjust her meds enough to control her medical "episodes" for a 90 minute debate in front of live cameras. It is also my guess that just getting her to the point that she can STAND behind a podium for that length of time will be a challenge for her secretive doctors. If they can demonstrate that they can get her episodes under control for a 90 minute stretch, without making her comatose, she will come on the air. If not, she's done. Live cameras are her Achilles heel. She can obviously lie all she wants, but we will believe our eyes and not what she says. Her supporters may be "stupid," as she views them, but they're not so stupid as to not believe what they see on live TV.

  3. Looking for a possible replacement , haven't they heard , Hitler is dead!

  4. She may be there but she's got nothing to bring with her except name calling and heavy baggage.

  5. Here comes Joe Biden .

  6. I can only pray that this happens it would be the best for the Democratic Party, and the election, she is not fit to hold the office she already represents. I also hope all those that have covered for her from the FBI and every office loose their jobs.

  7. Michelle will be the candidate they want a woman for the next president

  8. If they put in Biden then he wins in a landslide. Would not be good news. But much better than Hillary if she were to win. Need to buckle up people.

  9. The upper leadership of the Democratic party will suddenly start dying of mysterious circumstances if they move to replace Hillary.

  10. I saw a report on the BBC last night that one of her political advisors told her to not show up for the debate. It would look better for her, and the main stream media would try to set up a trap of questions for Trump to try and make him look bad. Hillary would not have to answer any difficult questions or make herself look bad in a debate with Trump. Trump would bring up the issues and questions that she is trying to avoid, like the Clinton Foundation, and the email scandal. Even her failure as secretary of state, or unanswered questions about her health. I'm certain this will be one of them most watch debates in history! The nation and society in general is trouble. Policy's by both parties have ruined this country. I believe Trump offers a ray of hope. Just the fact that the media and establishment hate him, makes me want to vote for him even more!!!!

  11. Will anybody be on a frequency monitor to check for her hearing aid too answer the questions for her?

  12. She probably won't make it to the election. And then Obama would call it off after fueling racial riots and declaring marshal law.


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