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Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Don't anger Black Lives Matters activists by mentioning 'black-on-black crime'

In the midst a spate of Black Lives Matter protests that put presidential candidates on the spot during speeches last year, a staffer for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee coached Democratic staffers on how to avoid antagonizing the group.

The memo, which was published on the web site of hacker Guccifer 2.0, provides step-by-step guidance on how candidates can avoid ticking off protesters.

'Do not say 'all lives matter' and nor mention 'black on black crime,'' it advises.

'If approached by BLM activists, campaign staff should offer to meet with local activists. Invited BLM attendees should be limited,' according to the memo.

'Please aim for personal or small group meetings. Listen to their concerns,' the memo advised.



  1. F this group. I'm a Black women and I personally think this group need to take their Generation X and Millennial azz back to the classroom or go home to Momma house and bury themselves in the basement. Black Lives Matter Members should give a big shout out, stand up and march against those Young Cowardly Black Gang Banging, Gun Toting / Shooting, Drug Dealing and Murderous Thugs who have KILLED so many of their own people. I'm tired of all this Black on Black crime. Speak on that. The Black Lives Matter Movement is Down Right Disgraceful. The BLM have Dishonor the Lives of every Civil Right Movers, Shakers and those folks who die for all of our freedom and allow the BLM to continue playing in the sand boxes of George Soros. Malcolm, Martin Luther and M. Evers are rolling in their graves over these Bastard Little Men. BLM, you DON"T speak for Blacks in America. We have survived through worst than what you boys and girls call yourself fighting for. Try surviving through the Great Depression. Another thing, why is George Zimmerman still bragging so much about his conquest.

  2. That's because most crime is intra-racial (black-on-black, white-on-white, etc.) And no one ever mentions "white-on-white crime, because it's just "crime". I can understand folks getting upset over it because it's often used as a deflection tactic.

    1. If I ask a BLM member what are they doing about crime in their neighborhood is that considered a deflection tactic? I'm very concerned for the black kids murdering each other.

    2. BLM are a radical terroist group that often seeks to hurt white people. Per videos, numerous tweets, emails and live speeches members have said to Kill white people. Often referring to white people as the C word.

  3. It's obvious the DNC is racist only cares about world power and war.

  4. Black lives splatter again and again at the hands of black lives and repeat ...

  5. Yamamomma you are full of kimchee. Black on White exceeds White on Black ten fold yet the Blacks are the minority. Play with those numbers Yamammmomma. By the way what are the statistics based on Asian on Black crime Oh never mind your mother might have married the guy.

    So take your racist slanted B.S. to ears without brains between them. I really do not believe your last name is Yamamomma or Yamamkawa. Stick with YourmommaKawa it has a better ring. Educate yourself weedhopper.

  6. BLM is a group that is funded by corps, (Ford and others) with tens of MILLIONS of dollars being donated to them to create this chaos and division. They care about black people like killary cares about the truth. They are a joke. Maybe a dangerous joke but a joke nonetheless. And so are the people who support them.


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