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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

DISGRACE: Clock Boy marks 9/11 with SHAMEFUL message, ‘RIP to the…’

Remember Ahmed Mohamed, a.k.a. Clock Boy? He made national news when he was arrested last year for bringing what was mistaken as a bomb to his high school, sparking a dialogue on racial profiling and Islamophobia in America. Anyone who actually took a look at the “clock” (that it turned out, he didn’t even make) quickly realized that the police were called because what he brought to school actually looked like a bomb.

After studying in Qatar for a year, Ahmed returned back to the U.S. in June. Since then, he’s kept a relatively low profile, remaining accessible to the public through Twitter. On the 15th anniversary of the September 11th attacks on the United States yesterday, he posted a message there that was less than tasteful.

After five minutes of research, I found the total estimated civilian death toll from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to be between 141,868-153,436. A reminder of the harsh reality of war for sure, but a far cry from two million. If we look just at the war in Afghanistan, we get a civilian death toll even further from two million, of 26,270. Ahmed’s father is a 9/11 truther, but it’s unknown if the son shares those views.



  1. How many were killed by Saddam Hussein and by the Taliban before the war?

  2. Little treasonous POS ,future terrorist.

  3. Cmon Saddam and "Osama" we're both on CIA payroll. Do some research please.

  4. Let's send the little creatin back to where he moved to since he doesn't seem to like this county.......oh yeah he didn't like the other country too. I guess this one gives him to many free things for him to leave.

  5. Thus is another insignificant slime turd....but he would be our current POSPOTUS' son!

  6. Should have killed 20 million

  7. he is just a kid. trust there is a puppet master behind all of this. The bottom line is he should have never been allowed back in the U.S. If I had my way I would take he and his entire family out. It is called a black out. No more worries or off spring from a screwed up blood line

  8. His classmates should deal with this little terrorist.

  9. Apple didn't fall far from his family tree. Shame family returned can we deport them all Trump?


  10. IIRC he and his family have returned to the bad ole' USA and sued the school which earlier properly got him off the premises after his show and tell moment. His comment should make an interesting addition to Discovery for the suit.

  11. How many Iraqi children died from the sanctions from the first gulf war?

  12. 10:28
    How many did Sadam kill? How many were killed because they were used a human shields. The cowards hid behind women and children. Oh it was well documented.

  13. He hates the county yet moved back here. I guess he can't collect tax payer funds if he leaves the country. Just think a college gave him a free ride for building a fake bomb.


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