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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

DHS Rubber-Stamping Citizenships Prior to Election

Agency waving security checks to register new immigrant voters

DHS is approving as many citizenship applications as possible in an effort to directly influence the the presidential election, internal documents show.

Senate Republicans obtained an email showing a Texas immigration office demanding volunteers to work overtime in an effort to grant as many people citizenship as possible before the end of September, giving them time to register to vote before the election in November.

The July memo, from a branch chief at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service’s Houston office, said the goal was to approve as many citizenship applications as possible “due to the election year.”


1 comment:

  1. DHS, are they not suppose to be protecting the American people? Here we are again with a government agency following a political agenda rather than the job they have been formed and hired to do. They need to go along with the Department of Energy and Education!


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