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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Democratic Rep. Accused Of Charity Fraud Seeks Donations For Legal Defense

Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown, who is currently facing felony charges for fraud, is trying to solicit donations online to fund her legal defense.

Brown, who currently represents Florida’s 5th congressional district, was indicted in July on more than 20 counts of fraud. According to federal prosecutors, Brown and a collaborator presented the non-profit One Door for Education as a scholarship fund, but instead used its finances as a personal slush fund. Brown supposedly used the money to pay off back taxes and fund public events honoring herself. Despite raising $800,000, One Door awarded only a single $1,000 scholarship.

Brown’s political fortunes have collapsed since the indictment, but she has refused to give in. She has pleaded not guilty to the charges, and has refused to resign her seat even after losing the Democratic primary in August. 



  1. most Dems lie and are crooked. it's in their DNA

  2. Jesse will save her. He is a powerful source. Biggest racist in America.

  3. Exactly 12:48 except amend it to ALL democrats. Democrats are inherent liars, crooks, cheats, thugs. There is no decent person who would ever align themselves with that party whose platform is taken straight from the devil's playbook.


  4. She should start a 'Go Incarcerate Me' link!

  5. I see at least three people in that picture that should be put in jail


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