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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Counsel: Hogan may have exceeded authority on school start

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —Counsel in the Maryland attorney general's office says Gov. Larry Hogan may have exceeded his authority by using an executive order to require public schools to start after Labor Day.

Adam Snyder, chief counsel of opinions and advice, expressed that view in a letter sent to two Maryland lawmakers Friday.

He says while he cannot say "unequivocally" that the executive order exceeds the governor's authority, he believes it is "likely" a reviewing court would conclude that it does.



  1. Apparently right vs wrong has no bearing any more.

  2. Quit crying, Democrats. You're only saying what the Teacher's Union reps told you to say. How much of those hardworking teachers union dues went into the pocket of the Maryland Democrats?

  3. Counsel? You mean Democrat Brian Frosh? Of course we knew that was coming because Sen. Mike Miller told him to make that opinion.

    What part of 73% don't these Democrats understand!


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