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Saturday, September 03, 2016

Construction halts on Rt. 90 hotel just short of finish line

Construction of the 150-room Marriott Residence Inn & Suites on 61st Street bayside has reached a standstill following a dispute between the project’s developers and the general contractor.

Jeff Thaler, Atlantic Planning Development and Design LLC managing director of development, who presented preliminary site plans to the Ocean City Planning and Zoning Commission in February 2014, said it is unclear when the issue would be resolved.

“Work is stopped until they come to an agreement,” he said.

The property is being developed by the Inns of Ocean City LLC, which is in the midst of sorting out details with Berlin-based general contractor Sens Mechanical Inc.

“The bonding company is involved,” he said. “They have to decide if they want to bring the general contractor back.”



  1. Should have gone with a western shore contractor.

    1. You have no idea why the job was stopped, yet you make a comment like that , moron '

  2. I thought Temco Builders was involved with this, lol.

  3. This is an example of squeezing something in on a little piece of property that was actually marsh. How pathetic can these people be.

  4. Sens walked away because the owner didn't want to pay for change orders required to complete the property. Sens does run some jacked up jobs the 25th street project is no better.

  5. Fact or rumor? Hear the hotel owners wanted to charge Sens $1,000 a day for not having the project completed on time.

  6. 4:14pm I do know as I'm a sub contractor on that job.

  7. Most likely the developers, are of foreign decent, and are using their typical game plan to screw the general contractor out of their profit. Most of these characters think change orders are not the developers concern and should be absorbed by the GC! Furthermore they know the drill to not pay and go through litigation and settle on 50 cents on the dollar.

  8. Actually an apparent unsophisticated General Contractor who "trusted" too much in a former employees bait and switch scope and pricing to owners and developers has caught up with "cats flow" type issues - the chickens have come home to roost - long time coming to those in the "industry"


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