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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Colin Powell’s Email Leak Horror: Hillary Clinton’s Health Under Fire for over a Year, Potential Endorsement Now Undermined

NEW YORK CITY, New York — Another former Secretary of State’s leaked emails are causing more headaches for the Democratic Party at a time things couldn’t get worse for presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Leaked emails from former Secretary of State Colin Powell undermine a looming potential endorsement of the Democratic ticket for president. They also show that Powell, major Democratic donors, and even U.S. Senators supporting Clinton have been seriously concerned about whether she is physically fit enough to serve as president of the United States for more than a year.

Former New Jersey GOP governor Christine Todd Whitman, in one leaked email first reported by The Daily Caller, wrote to Powell asking why he had not yet endorsed Clinton for president.

“Have you endorsed her yet?” the late July email, subject line “Hillary,” from Whitman to Powell, read.

“Nope,” Powell responded. “By the way, if you have a WSJ today take a look at my piece on immigration. I can send it you missed. On Oped pages.”


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