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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Clinton Struggles to Win Young Voters in Swing States

Hillary Clinton continues to struggle to win over young voters in swing states, many of whom had supported her primary opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), according to a poll conducted by Global Strategy Group.

The online poll, paid for by NextGen Climate and done the last week of August, shows Clinton has only seen a slight increase since July in her favorability among voters aged 18 to 34, Buzzfeed reported Thursday.

Clinton has attempted to win over young Americans during her campaign but only received 38 percent of their support in swing states in a four-way race with Donald Trump, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein. Clinton received a two-point bump from a similar survey done in early July.

In a two-way race against only Trump, she polls at 44 percent, up four points from July.


1 comment:

  1. Clinton is NOT liked anywhere except in the establishment and the MSM


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