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Monday, September 26, 2016

Clinton Campaign Manager Unable to Answer Questions on 'Hillary Coverup Operation'

CNN anchor Jake Tapperconfronted Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook Sunday over an IT worker handling her private email server joking in a 2014 email about a “Hillary coverup operation,” with Mook dodging the question and blaming Republicans for “selectively leaking documents.”

TAPPER: There was a document dump on Friday, that we learned from the FBI that an IT contractor managing Hillary Clinton’s private email server made reference to the “Hillary coverup operation” in a work ticket. He used those words after a senior Clinton aide asked him to automatically delete emails after 60 days. This IT worker certainly sounded like he was covering something up, no?

MOOK: Look, Jake, I’m — first of all I’m glad you asked that question. A lot of this stuff is swirling around in the ether. It’s important to pull back and look at the facts here. The FBI did a comprehensive and deep investigation into this. And at the conclusion of that, FBI Director Comey came out and said to the world that there was no case here, that they have no evidence of wrongdoing on Hillary’s part.

TAPPER: So what’s the “Hillary coverup operation” that the IT worker was referring to?

MOOK: Well, well, but this is — but this is — this is the perfect example of what’s going on here. Republicans on the House side are selectively leaking documents for the purpose of making Hillary look bad. We’ve asked the FBI to release all information that they’ve shared with Republicans so they can get the full picture. But again, I would trust the career professionals at the FBI and the Justice Department who looked into this matter, concluded that was no case, than I would Republicans who are selectively leaking information.



  1. Seems to me that they have already trusted the "career professionals" at the FBI.

    That's why she isn't in prison right now.
    They like having a career. And REALLY like staying alive.

    Hoover would be shooting FBI agents himself if he could see what they've become today.
    Keep cheering.

  2. The blame game continues amid Hillary's crimes. This is how corrupt the federal government has become which is why we need to clean house by electing Trump.

  3. It's both annoying and revealing when Hillary's gang responds with, "...first of all I’m glad you asked that question," which is always a preface to not answering the question.

  4. Of course mngr would be Fired if bad mouthing the Boss


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