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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Black Lives Matter activist changes tune on police following robbery

A University of Houston grad student active in the local Black Lives Matter movement is suddenly all for police patrols in his neighborhood — after he was robbed at gunpoint outside his apartment.

Jerry Ford Jr., described as one the leaders of the BLM movement on campus, tells KTRK that he spotted the young man loitering outside his apartment one evening last week but thought little of it. But when he went to unlock the door, the man pulled a gun and stole Ford’s wallet and cell phone.


  1. Well, HEY, Mr. Dumas! Wearing a BLM T- shirt and shouting down cops didn't work so well for you, did it? Neither did shooting at them!

    Gosh, WHO KNEW?????

    You get what you pay for!

    Now, if they had done that to you, and now wanted to invite you back to their house, what would you do?

  2. 7:35 PM

    could you stop babbling and make a coherent sentence.

  3. Screw him! The only problem is that the BLM movement is putting good people at risk. Soros and Obama and the rest of their ilk including those who vote democrat are imbeciles. Starting to stay away from my liberal friends - family is next!

  4. Awful funny there is no mention of the RACE of the person who committed the robbery!!! Nothing to see here, just more black on black crime.

  5. He really should have called one of his BLM friends...
    No - wait - It was most likely one of them that robbed him.

  6. To all you "haters" out there. Don't you understand?
    Black cell phones don't matter.
    Black wallets don't matter.
    Black LIVES matter.
    That's why he didn't get hisself killed.
    That - and probably because he didn't resist.

    1. Ummm.....what?

      You do realize it was another black male that robbed him, right? Cops had nothing to do with it...until HE called them?

    2. I think there a lot of sarcasm there from 9:09.
      I think the point is that he "complied" with the request (at the point of a gun) to turn over his wallet and phone.
      If he would've resisted, his brutha most likely woulda popped a cap in him.

  7. Screw him, call when he is a statistic.

  8. He can go to hell! Anyone who supports BLM deserves to be robbed and beaten to within inches of their pathetic lives too! BLM supporters are nothing but useless thugs themselves.

  9. More evidence of Divine Intervention and God showing horrid people that He is fed up. I prayed and prayed for the dear Baltimore Innocent 6 officers and I knew God would not let me down. My prayers were answered and they continue to be answered when I read stories like this. God is in charge and will not forsaken the good, the just and the righteous.

  10. 8:01
    If you can't read and understand, I'm sure the author won't care if you keep going past the comment.

  11. He claims the injustice of being robbed of "you know, what you've worked for." So laughable.

  12. When something happens to you, family member or friend makes it all the more clear. Its like the saying their are no athiests in foxholes they all become believers.

  13. Now that's funny. What an eye-opener for him. This gives me an idea. Ask the crooks to start robbing the BLM members as soon as possible.

  14. He should have called his buddies from BLM for help. Oh no wait that was one of his buddies from BLM robbing him. Ain't karma a b----. What comes around goes around.


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