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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Bill and his Bimbos, Hill and her Emails: Vast Security Danger

—sloppiest security on the planet—

Colin Powell’s emails have been hacked and exposed. One email contained Powell’s 2014 comment to Jeffrey Leeds, as reported by the NY Post: “Bill [Clinton] is still dicking bimbos at home.”

Naïve Americans believes sexual agents only exist in fiction.

Bill’s endless string of bimbos are all farmers’ daughters? Are you kidding? Foreign intelligence agencies play this kind of situation like a piano. It’s so easy, it’s ridiculous. Send in a female operative, or five or six. —Pillow talk, on-the-scene observation, blackmail, the works.

Who knows, Bill may actually want to spill secrets. After all, he did send advanced military tech to China back in the day, in exchange for campaign money. And as an arch Globalist, why should he care about America as a sovereign nation?

Meanwhile, Hillary, stricken with some kind of neurological deficit, sets up a private email server through which she sends and receives classified information. Either she’s too far gone to notice, or she doesn’t care.

What a pair.


1 comment:

  1. Colon Bowel is an overrated turd that can't tell the difference between a beach ball and WMD.


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