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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Baker to decide on gubernatorial run after presidential elections

Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker III (D), who is frequently mentioned as a likely 2018 challenger to Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R), says he will decide whether to run for governor after the November presidential elections.

Baker, 57, is almost halfway through his second and final term as county executive of Maryland’s second-largest jurisdiction. His record in Prince George’s is mixed.

He has helped the county recover from the 2008 recession and the humiliating arrest of former county executive Jack Johnson (D) on bribery and corruption charges, and has restructured school leadership, shepherded a slew of development projects, including the MGM casino at National Harbor, and started major initiatives to boost the public school system and revitalize neighborhoods.



  1. Good God, he is a MD democrat. MD does not need any more of these useful idiots running this state..

  2. Maybe he can do for Maryland, as the first black governor, that Obama did for the USA, as the first black president....make race relations the worst they have been in the last 50 years.

  3. Should be interesting to watch him and Kamenentz (spelling?) jockey with one another!

  4. I've pretty much had enough go Democrats for the last 50 years. I'll be looking for either the R or I next time. Maybe Larry will have a little more room to move next time around. At least he won't drive in the negative direction at 300 mph like O'Failly did.

  5. Politians from Prince Georges area is devastating to MD Politics. Look at the history of MD politics and you know I am not pulling any punches. Chris Van Holland is from another County from that area and is another worthless Politian paid for by the Washington elite. Those southern lower Counties are all paid for by the Washington elite.

  6. He will drive MD into bankruptcy after he destroys the State Retirement Fund. Everything will go up taxes etc. That is what Prince Georges is known for ask Mike Miller head of the MD Senate. He is from there.

  7. If he runs he is as good as elected. They should just give him the office. But he might be more of a republican than hogan - you never know.


  9. Haven't we learned about voting in blacks in this country yet? Look at Baltimore's mayor. Obama. Jesus I can compile a list of nothing but racist and crooks!

  10. Don't bother. Hogan may not be all we hoped, but the changes he's making are something at least!


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