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Sunday, September 04, 2016

Another American Tradition Thrown In The Trash


  1. He took a stand, exercised his right to do so. I applaud him. I don't agree with him but respect his right to do what he did. To condem him would be like condemning our founding fathers, MLK, Mohammad ALI and anyone else that ever changed the world.
    Unfortunately he will be out of a job soon. We are a product of the decisions we make.

    1. He was being cut prior to this incident. He hasn't preformed since his injury. Might be traded to another team buy 49ers will pay him 16 million either way for work or no work.... Before you applaud can you at least think about it?

    2. Obviously not a vet.pos

    3. Don't even compare Colon Krapernick to the Founding Fathers.

  2. Why are they even keeping him on the team. This is America, American Football, if you can't stand during National Anthem and respect the flag and what it stands for, then we can't stand to watch while your sorry a$$ plays the game.

  3. I agree, 5:55, and if black lives matter to him and my life and all the lives of my fellow Americans do not, well, then he really doesn't matter to us.

    Good luck in the new job, if he can find one!

  4. We have freedom of choice.

  5. He has his rights, but I will never watch another SF as long as he's on their team

  6. Like 5:49 I respect his right to do what he did. Unlike 5:49 I do not applaud him at all. What he did makes me sick. He earns millions of dollars being a half ass quarterback in this country and this is his thanks. Lastly 5:49, he will only be out of a job because of poor performance. And that is only fair...

  7. It's a display of his racism hatred and intolerance of white people and nothing more. People of all colors have died fighting for our freedom and there's.

  8. That's right 5:55! And if I may add, he should leave the country if he doesn't enjoy being here making the big bucks. Screw him and his football.

  9. 5:49. Why would you applaud him? He did nothing that deserves applause. What he did was easy.....obnoxious, prideful, lazy. Yes, he had a right to do what he did but it deserves no respect.

  10. Aren't the 49rs the ones who pulled that "hands up don't shoot" and "I can't breathe" nonsense coming out on the field?

  11. In July 2015, Kaepernick converted to Islam during the offseason AND he is engaged to Nessa Diab, a Black Lives Matter activist who promotes what she calls “authentic Islam.” The Kaepernick’s will also have a traditional Muslim wedding. It will be enlightening to see what Ms. Diab does when Colin starts to treat her as a third class citizen because Islam encourages and demands men treat their women that way.We do not hear any MSM pointing these facts out.

  12. 5:49 he was on clock. The 11.1 million he is getting to sit the bench shows just how oppressed he is. Funny when he was a STARTING QB he never said a word. This is about Colin not being in the spot light any longer. Why is he not talking about the 63 young black men killed in Chicago in one month. The man has a white mother and a typical black father that ran out on him. Then he was adopted by a white family that raised him. The man lives in a palace. Yet the 89 million he made not one contribution to any minority charities. False Prophet. I do not get some people these days they are like sheep if it happened on t.v. it MUST be real. Educate yourself do not believe all the hype.

    The rhetoric he preaches is just like the uneducated words of BLM when they start addressing the 5000 plus young black men that will die at the hands of other black men in this country then and only then will I listen. I guess the police do kill some look at how they treat each other. You think a cop or you are safe in that world. Wake up. Martin Luther would not be a part of this ignorance. By the way he was a Republican. Education is free in America why are so many blacks failing in school. You know why they bring the streets with them to class. No role models. No morals. No ethics. I guess whitey is to blame for all of that. NO BLACK PARENTS ARE. Enough said

  13. True it's his right to express his free speech but really? What good does it do? If America is so oppressive - leave!

  14. 7:32. Thank you for posting that information. You are right that the MSM neglects to give all of the facts.

  15. The QB is the face of the team. He represents the entire team. His actions brought shame to the game and he needs to go. Since he is on his way out, he had to do something to become relevant again. Bad press is better than no press as nobody cares about this guy. He never lived up to the hype. When will grown men realize that they play a child's game and just be appreciative of the fantastic opportunities presented before them? Easy come, even easier go.

  16. yeah he has it so bad compared to all those kids in the ghetto, why dont he go down there and help them out, financially and otherwise if he's so concerned! talk's cheap! typical liberal pos overrated athlete / celebrity who thinks the world actually cares what he thinks!

  17. You want a totalitarian regime, where everyone must conform to the last detail? We must be puppets for the state?

  18. No, I am boycotting the NFL. The NFL refused to let the Dallas Cowboys put stickers on their helmets honoring the Dallas Police Officers that were slaughtered by the Black Lives Matter Thug that this guy is honoring.

  19. The one saving grace of this man's actions is that when he does become unemployed that he will be able to maintain a comfortable lifestyle for him and his bride. Unlike many of us who will never get to truly retire.

    Just my two cents.

  20. He is a pre washed up QB! He will disappear at some point. He is just trying to find a way to stay relevant. I am not a Broncos fan, but am thankful they passed on this douche!!

  21. Give him a few months and he will be in Syria.

  22. 8:02 it’s a man’s game that we allow children to play. He might as well sit down voluntarily before the RAVENS put him on his "A$$" as 5:55 would say.

  23. He didn't sit to stand with BLM. His direct quote was we have one candidate who should be in prison and one who is a racist and people act like everything is going ok. It's funny how some of you think because he is rich that he can't relate to the poverty in the black community but yet you'll feel like Trump can relate. He openly said he supports the military so it's not about that. It's funny how white people always define us a racist or traitors because we don't love America like they do. He even stated he hopes he can be educated on the subject further meaning he's trying to figure things out. So he sat quietly by himself, didn't burn up or tear up nothing and that's a problem? We can't win for losing, riot and we're terrorist but yet sit peacefully and your just as bad.

    1. 57 black people were shot by other black people in Chicago this weekend. Not even talking about balitmore and other city's. What are YOU doing about it. What is he doing about it. Didn't bring it up just blamed LE instead. WHY aren't YOU and BLM doing something to stop black kids from killing each other? Clinton is the most racist politician in history. Look at the Democratic Party in office currently! How are black people doing?

  24. His career is on a downward spiral. He needed something to put light on his wishy washy future in the NFL. He's no ALI, nor MLK. They had much more integrity than he does. He is a disgrace to those that have stood for something real. He'll just be remembered as the lame QB that once sat during the Anthem. No real statement being made. Meanwhile soldiers die everyday so folks like this can make millions playing a game. Karma is a bitch. MCL/ACL tear will make him HAVE to sit awhile. Wait and see.......

  25. 9:21 Before you defend his lazy protest and him not being a racist check out his Instagram. When you post multiple quotes from a person of no character like Malcom X your bigotry comes into question.

  26. Boycott any product he endorses!!

  27. Does he hate his mom and step dad? Yup, their white. And his biological dad Left before he was born and might be black

  28. 7:32 Said it all explains so much doesn't it, go play ball in a Muslim country, America doesn't want you, speak out there and you will be eliminated.

  29. We used to be free in America.
    We could stand or not stand. It was a decision each of us were entitled to make.

    What happened?

  30. The military flag is worshipped in the USA.
    Keopernick should have realized that the one thing he CANNOT do is diss the military.

    Not a good decision.

    We worship all military people and symbols.
    As it should be in a police state.

  31. National Felon Legion. Don't watch. Don't contribute.

  32. Just another washed up athlete that can't handle not having all the attention on him!! He's done!!!

  33. he was just traded to the north Korean national team along with dennis rodman. this is a huge loss to america

  34. He has joined the ranks of Islam , his goal according to the Kuran is to abolish the Christian and all other religions . Those that defend their religion should be killed. Thanks obama . Maybe , just maybe some defense will end his career , I can only hope.

  35. Another lavished upon, out-of-touch mindless sheeple.
    The 49ers need to cut their losses quickly before they lose the support of their fans.

    1. He's guaranteed 16 million if they cut him. Keep him and make his life miserable until he screws up and it's coming.

  36. First he is Muslim. Second he was adopted and raised by white parents. Three the system worked pretty good for him. As he has made millions in the NFL. As he probably knew he was going to be cut from the team he would do something to get publicity for himself.


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