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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Additional Articles We Thought You Might Enjoy

UK To Build A Wall To Keep Out Calais Migrants

Matt Drudge: Hillary’s press corps in new cover-up

"Segregation" Is Now Progressive? Cal State LA Offers Black-Only 'Safe-Space' Housing

"It Won't Be Long Now" David Stockman Warns "The End Game Of Central Banking Is Nigh"

Dem New York AG Helping Clinton Foundation Skirt Donor Laws 

State Dept. releases first batch of deleted Hillary Clinton emails on Benghazi

Media Downplay Donald Trump's Successful Foreign Policy Speech

Rand Paul: 'Donald Trump Would Be a Better Commander-in-Chief'

Trump: Hillary 'Running Global Criminal Enterprise And Spreading Terrorism'

Feds Spend Millions Fighting FOIA Lawsuits, GAO Finds

Hillary: Trump Is A 'Gift For ISIS.' Nope. Obama's Syria Policy Is The Single Greatest Gift ISIS Will Ever Receive.

UPI/CVoter Poll: Donald Trump Opens Up 3 Point Lead Over Hillary Clinton

Fed Like A "Cowardly Scarecrow" As Corporate Debt Bubble Expands

Iraqi Refugee Diagnosed With Active TB in Oakland County, Michigan

Clinton email server attacked with 'some frequency' by brute force hackers

After "September Disaster For Clinton", Democrats Near "Full-On Panic Mode"

"I Protected Hillary Clinton In The Secret Service - Here's Why Her 'Fainting' Video Really Scares Me"

Lawmaker issues subpoena to FBI for Clinton probe records

Coptic Filmmaker Blamed for Benghazi Attack Now Broke, Living in Homeless Shelter

Dem Senator Urged Justice Dept to Prosecute Conservative Groups

Newly Leaked Colin Powell Emails Confirm Clintons And Obamas Can't Stand Each Other


  1. Love the idea of posting these stories. Thanks

  2. Forgot the stoned Clinton's statement on the plane last night about the NYC bombing. She said "I have been briefed on the BOMBING in NYC and the attack in MN" and tossed in a few talking points about 1st responders....etc. THEN because they have to get Trump's name in there is asked if Donald Trump was premature to call it a BOMBING. Both she and the dumb reported forgot that she just herself called it a BOMBING 30 seconds prior.


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