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Sunday, September 04, 2016

9/11 conspiracy gets support from physicists’ study

Europhysics magazine report finds Twin Towers brought down by 'controlled demolition'

For 15 years, there’s been a small band of investigators who have questioned the idea that the Twin Towers in New York City collapsed because of the intense heat and fires raging following two terrorist-directed plane crashes.

But they have largely been dismissed as crazy conspiracy theorists.

Now, however, Europhysics Magazine, the respected publication of the European physics community, has published a report by four experts who say “the evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that all three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition.”

“Given the far-reaching implications, it is morally imperative that this hypothesis be the subject of a truly scientific and impartial investigation by responsible authorities,” the four physicists conclude.



  1. Yep. Doesn't seem right how two of those buildings, that were designed with an airliner impact in mind, could both come down and then take a third building with them.

  2. 911 remains a master plan ridden with obvious flaws. The master planners stood to gain TRILLIONS in profits, (although paid in blood money), for their skillful concept carried out like the climax of a suspenseful Hollywood movie. years later, that masterful crime, what is The Greatest Unsolved Crime of The Century, remains a magician's trick worthy of Satan himself.

  3. These 4 people's lives may now be in danger.
    We live under the yoke of an evil and wicked government.

  4. i'll only believe it if they build a replica with steel that was the same age and use the same type of fuel.

    1. Really ? Have you done no independent research?

  5. A big bowl of 'Duh!'....

  6. I guess calling people who are 50-100 points higher in IQ than YOU and actually UNDERSTAND physics better than YOU understand Tic-Tac-Toe "tin-foil hat" conspiracy theorists is a bit ludicrous now, huh?
    What do you say NOW, you goof ball cheerleaders who cheer for whatever you are told by the "authorities"??
    "we, the people" got played by the military-industrial wealthy who have profited in the billions with military sales, computer sales, surveillance sales, and a dozen different avenues.
    Keep cheering, you brainwashed idiots.

  7. 521
    I agree with your positions.
    You are so full of hate. It is only hurting you.
    I learned many years ago that I cannot convince others of the true way the world works.
    They will never believe me.
    The indoctrination is much too effective.
    It takes a desire and effort to seek out the truth, in order to overcome the programming.
    Even today, I still find myself slipping back into the old ways of believing something I see or hear in the media.
    George Carlin said EVERYTHING the government tells us is a lie.
    The media is a part of the government.

  8. You don't know me.

    "I don't give then hell, I just tell the truth and they think it's hell"
    Harry Truman
    I don't hate anyone.
    I just paid for a hotel room for a homeless man whom I 've never met or saw before so he could sleep on a bed and get a shower. And it was NOT the first time I've done that.
    Would YOU have done that???

  9. God blesses you every day you live and share, Imclain, and so do I. Thank you for what you do among us. Your input into our cesspool of ignorant idiots helps bring sanity into the completely insane idiocy we have to encounter every day.

    I'm really glad you are here on this site!

  10. Tin hatters and treasonous.


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