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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

WSJ: The Clinton Foundation, State and Kremlin Connections

Clinton Cash author and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer writes: “Why did Hillary’s State Department urge U.S. investors to fund Russian research for military uses?”

From the Wall Street Journal:

Hillary Clinton touts her tenure as secretary of state as a time of hardheaded realism and “commercial diplomacy” that advanced American national and commercial interests. But her handling of a major technology transfer initiative at the heart of Washington’s effort to “reset” relations with Russia raises serious questions about her record. Far from enhancing American national interests, Mrs. Clinton’s efforts in this area may have substantially undermined U.S. national security.
Clinton Cash author and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer writes: “Why did Hillary’s State Department urge U.S. investors to fund Russian research for military uses?”

From the Wall Street Journal:

Hillary Clinton touts her tenure as secretary of state as a time of hardheaded realism and “commercial diplomacy” that advanced American national and commercial interests. But her handling of a major technology transfer initiative at the heart of Washington’s effort to “reset” relations with Russia raises serious questions about her record. Far from enhancing American national interests, Mrs. Clinton’s efforts in this area may have substantially undermined U.S. national security.


1 comment:

  1. Eisenhower warned against the specter of the military-industrial complex. It looks like the Democrats want to make it a Trifecta.


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