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Sunday, August 21, 2016


For 150 years, WICOMICO COUNTY has historically elected a majority of Democrat County Councils with a smattering of Republicans and an occasional Independent. But even with Democrats primarily in control for a large part of a hundred and twenty five years, WICOMICO remained rather conservative largely due to the rural nature of the County. But the tide began to turn before the end of the of the last century. Some people thought that WICOMICO COUNTY should be more like some of the counties across the Bay. The push was on to grow government.
With the help and support of two left wing liberal organizations, THE GREATER SALISBURY COMMITTEE and THE SALISBURY CHAMBER OF COMMERICE, a charter review committee was initiated and a referendum ballot was forwarded to change the WICOMICO COUNTY charter to a Executive form of government. As with most ballot questions, unless there is a lot of opposition, it passed. This greatly increased the cost of government to the citizens of WICOMICO COUNTY beyond most citizens' expectations.

The first election held under this new form of government produced the County's first County Executive, RICHARD M POLLITT. Pollitt's first task at hand was to rid the County of the evil Revenue Cap that had been imposed by the taxpayers in the early 1990's. Then the local liberal appointed BOARD OF EDUCATION pushed the County Council to almost double the property taxes. Fortunately in 2006, and 2010 the taxpayers were at least wise enough to elect somewhat of an conservative County Council to hold off any attempt of a reversal without a referendum, which never happened.

After 8 years of trying to suck the last dollar out of the taxpayers, POLLITT was replaced by what was supposed to be a conservative savior, ROBERT CULVER. CULVER entered the fray guns blazing, firing employees, taking away County cars and even took away employee's paid birthdays leave. Good start, one would say! But the problem is CULVER found that while he had the support of the working class, he didn't gain any favor with the local liberals. You see the people that elected CULVER work everyday for a living so they are not hanging out at the Government Office Building, but those lobbying for more liberal ideas do. The ones that supported POLLITT, i.e. the CHAMBER MEMBERS, the G.S.C. and the liberal fraction of the County Council, were now even more angry at CULVER'S cost cutting actions. So whats a guy to do? First you look back at how POLLITT covered his ass for eight years. CULVER had fired the public information officer so he makes up a couple of new titles and hires two to replace one. Next you have to find one of the most liberal ideas around to satisfy these folks that are not speaking to you. AHA! How about FREE COLLEGE TUITION at WOR WIC? That should do it! Take a page out of the liberal lefts' playbook! After all, look at all the people that are fawning over BERNIE SANDERS and HILLARY CLINTON. Suddenly, CULVER see's the path to being a popular guy!

Once this socialist idea takes shape, your next issue becomes how you can pay for this program. You've promised not to raise taxes THIS YEAR, so in order to keep your promise, you need to make some cuts (some big cuts) because, after all, this is a costly program! The $250,000+ price tag is just a start. With two other local colleges who will want to be included, it is sure to balloon. And in reality, why should it be limited to only WOR WIC students? How to find the money to fund free tuition? OK, start with cutting retirees insurance benefits. There is only about two hundred or so and they don't represent a large group and that will only sacrifice a few votes. Maybe next year we can cut some more employee benefits as this program has been stated to cost over $600,000 next year.

One would think that this idea would not have made it past the County Council since the voters elected a COUNTY COUNCIL with six Republicans and they surely would vote down such nonsense. However, it seems several on the Council have taken a big bite out of the same apple that CULVER has been chewing on. With a six to two vote and one absent, the resolution to offer free tuition passed quicker than a hot knife through butter!

With the FREE TUITION resolution passing, there's one more step in this process this year. That is to transfer the money to the COMMUNITY FOUNDATION so it can be passed on to WOR WIC. Are you surprised at this? Perhaps WICOMICO COUNTY is not capable of handling it's own money.

I predict that while this year's program cost will be $250,000 plus, next year it will grow close to $750,000, and by the third year S.U. and U.M.E.S. will be included growing the cost even more. If so, the cost to WICOMICO COUNTY taxpayers will balloon into a multi million dollar program A budget buster if ever there was one!

With WICOMICO COUNTY over FIFTY TWO MILLION DOLLARS BEHIND IN INFRASTRUCTURE REPAIRS, who is setting our spending priorities, and more importantly, WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? Either way, it will be the taxpaying citizens of WICOMICO COUNTY who pay the price.


  1. Culver has joined the rest of the Nation , he has switched from conservative to liberal. It's sad but true , a good example is parks and recreation leader.
    Nanticoke parks are a mess , trash everywhere , beer cans and whiskey bottles , wine bottles more rubber gloves and a needle here and there. This place has rules and laws , who enforces these rules ? I've never seen and enforcement at either of the parks since Culver took office ,

  2. Hoy lobbied and was rewarded. Someone got a payoff.
    They do not give a fig about the taxpayers.

    It is easy to solve if you follow the money.

    A small community just kicked out nestle for trying to rip off their water.
    Change only happens when you stand together.

  3. We have Leaders and we have followers , the nation including Culvers areas have 99% followers , give em a bone and they will follow you. A fine mess you got us in , Olley.

  4. Another reason that I will be leaving MD upon retirement. Pour years max.

  5. Culver is a follower , certainly not a leader.

  6. The liberal media loves the word free...free tuition, free phones, free healthcare, etc...but those of us who can actually think know there is no such thing, and money does not come from trees or out of thin air (unless you are the government printing it, but even then its not free). I think the definition of the word free needs to be changed. According to Merriam Webster it is getting something without cost. But everything has costs. Somebody pays for everything. I think free needs to be changed to getting something that someone else pays for. Like free tuition paid for by the county and state taxpayers.

    1. Ever heard of 'corporate welfare'..well, they are mostly conservative republicans. I think the tax break and loopholes they benefit from far outweighs the freebies the poor recieve. Be educated my friend.

  7. I hear you 7:44, The day I can retire I am heading to a red state. Trump 2016

  8. To say that Culver is a disappointment is an understatement. Many of us won't be fooled again.

  9. Culver, you are not representing the people of this County by being a follower. We did not vote for you to follow. We voted for you to LEAD. You are very very far from leading. How many favors have you been promised for following? You can prove to people out here that you are not following any longer by thinking for yourself for a change, getting rid of dead wood at the Government Office Building, by not listening to the good old boys.

  10. It seems that people who work at the top of government end up living in some kind of bubble where they lose all sense of reality. How sad that Culver who was viewed as a straight shooter would end up as just another politician.

  11. I think Culver has the Sally Field syndrome. By doing the bidding of the liberals, he is saying to himself "they like me, they really like me". Actually Bob, they don't. They want you out and now the conservatives want you out too.

  12. Do any of you voicing concerns on here plan on running next election? What is your agenda if you do?

  13. 8:25 - and now the executive office weighs in LOL. Don't be offended just because people don't like that Culver didn't live up to his promises. If you want to be in politics, whether you are a paid hack or elected, what do you expect? Do what you say and stick to your principles - what a novel concept - and one that is currently lacking in your office.

  14. Will never quite understand the mentality of some of those posting here. The WOR WIC Tuition assistance program is a Godsend. All you need to do is look at the percentages of County residence with a college degree to understand this. If we expect the quality of life and local economy to improve we must support higher education. Certainly $75K household income is a fair standard.

    1. Now Mike Dunn gives his ridiculous two cents

    2. Not a good idea that money could have gone to other things that need to be done. Only helps a select few.

    3. Screw the retirees to hand over money to people who won't work to get an education. And they only need a 2.0 average what a joke. And then leave here for better paying job as they don't have jobs here. Thanks for nothing

  15. Great article! The apathy of the voters in both Wicomico and Worcester is embarrassing. In Salisbury and Ocean City, it's hopeless. Essentially, the same people are voted in time and time again who do nothing to improve the economic health of businesses and non-government employees, and completely ignore the invasion of the criminal element.

    This is an election year in Ocean City. The mayor and four council members who are up for re-election are doing their very best to hide the facts from the voters. Tourism and real estate sales have been in free-fall for nine years, yet every "spokesman" and "information officer" uses very careful language to conceal both. The newspapers dutifully print the false narratives without a challenge. Under fire lately for his direct advertising in regional crime-infested ghettos, the mayor, for the first time in years, made an early-evening appearance on the boards and proclaimed it safe. That is a blatant lie.

    Sorely lacking in Ocean City is the type of scrutiny that has exposed Salisbury as the hopeless hell-hole that it has become since the late seventies. Those responsible for fixing the election that cost SBY its only hope for redemption know that, in MD, fixing elections to favor liberals is not to be investigated. Well, OC, look 30 miles to the west and there's your future. Nobody goes near Salisbury and tourists are leaving OC in droves. They don't come to Ocean City for the inner-city experience. The crime, the intimidation, the harassment, the assaults...all the things Meehan denies are happening, are ruining Ocean City. Albero for Mayor of Ocean City.

    1. Albero for Mayor!

    2. How'd that work out last time? Oh, right, 69/31.

  16. I thought Gary Mackes was a bad leader , now they have hit the bottom of the barrel .

  17. There is no way Wicomico County can pay for kids tuition at UMES or SU.. would bankrupt the system.. Now Hillary and her idiot plan wants to give free tuition to everyone--that needs to be stopped

  18. Culver is a good guy u idiots are backstabbers.

    1. Who got stabbed in the back first. Out property tax has doubled we are out of here

    2. Your property taxes have NOT doubled. Stop lying.

  19. Agreed 8:16
    .... just another pandering politician!

  20. Wicomico was/is a lost cause - I left some time ago as a final form of protest that is, frankly, meaningless to those in charge. However, if enough leave in droves it will certainly affect things

  21. Glad i sold my buissness.

  22. From delmarvanow.com:

    The scholarships plan approved by the Wicomico County Council in June covers tuition and fees for county residents enrolled in a degree or certificate program at Wor-Wic. The students must apply for and accept all other financial aid and register for 12 or more credit hours in the fall immediately after high school graduation, and their family’s annual income must be $75,000 for less.

    Once they are enrolled, students are required to maintain a 2.0 average, maintain full-time attendance and earn at least 24 credit hours each academic year.

    “To me, it’s very sensible,” he said. “I look at it as an investment, particularly if we are able to keep the workforce on the Shore.”

    -Sen. James N. Mathias, D-38

    So my question is:

    What is it in this program that is going to keep these kids on the Shore?

    Unless conditions are set that benefit the local community, these indiscriminate scholarships amount to politicians robbing "We The Taxpayers" to play "College Tuition Santa".

    1. The students will leave along with everyone else. Its already been suggested I let my nephew lives with me to get the free tuition

    2. I call BS. Students will still leave as there is nothing here. And a 2.0 average WTH needs to be higher than that. Only helps a small percentage if people. Money should have gone to things already on the books to be done like fixing the roads.

  23. Culver is not an honest man, has no integrity and, by definition, is a pure political whore. As evidenced by his decision on the alcohol sales at our civic center. The land was given, freely, to the County for the building of our civic center with just one condition. That condition was that alcohol was never to be sold on the premises. Our county leaders accepted this condition in order to obtain this land freely. Then came along Culver, a man who decided it was better not to honor a promise that our past County leaders upheld. This man has made a liar of everyone in this County. He has no honor or respect and must be voted out as soon as possible. Just wonder who owns him or is paying him to be be a disloyal, dishonest political whore!

  24. First 8:50 - all those educated people will have to work in a fast food restaurant or wait tables. NO JOBS!!!! How about working on job growth first?

  25. Time for Culver to take a hike out of Wicomico County. I was an avid supporter in his election, but no more. He has proven many times over what a poor business man he is. The free college issue and screwing the county retired employees without even a kiss regarding the poor health insurance issue. Yes, Culver lets the little head dictate for the big head, along with some of the current department heads. How about starting an internal investigation as to what is going on at 411 Naylor Mill Road? Must be something in the water - no less than 3 internal affairs going on at one time in one department. County work not getting done on county time - work time has become a full time game of hide the salami. Too late to wake up Culver when someone dies as the result of neglect by Wicomico County. You better pray that it is not my family or property that is involved, because I will own Mr. Culver along with the bumbling idiots on the council. Can I help you pack your possessions from the G.O.B.? Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  26. Let's see.... C. Basset runs MH's campaign. Culver cleans house at Executive's Office except for an obvious opponent in WS. MH applies for grow license. Culver threatens resistence if granted. WS convinces Culver to hire CB for a share of the spoils and approval, knowing Culver would step away for the money and Cannon would seek to fill the void w CB selling him and the grow op approval.
    All hail Wayne, the puppetmaster!

  27. Simply said, Culver is not a man of his word. If your word is no good, you have no integrity.

  28. How many PWs beneficiaries does it take to hold up a shovel? These people would not survive a Darwinian real world
    Bob's time would be better spent handling what's already on his plate

  29. Culver BACKSTABBERS.

  30. No wonder Culver is sellong his real estate in the county

    1. Yea and you morons helped him big time with his Whitehaven endeavor

  31. 10:51 - why do you think people don't have a right to their opinion? If Culver (and you) want unconditional agreement/love, you're in the wrong career. Grow up and accept that people aren't always going to agree with you.

  32. 10:08: I am not following you. What do you mean "Culver would step away for the money", is he trying to get a grow operation? Aren't the "winners" supposed to be announced today? I do agree that Strausburg is the puppet master. How he has kept his job makes you wonder what he has on Culver.

  33. I agree with 11:14. If you can't take the heat....

    His office staff is very thin-skinned from what I've seen including their leader.

  34. 10:51, Backstabbers? Is that how you people really work! I see. So if someone disagrees with someone they're considered "backstabbers". I'd hate to meet your children.

    What is going to happen is, let's say a single mother with children lives in Sussex County. Let's say all of these people do not own a home. They'll relocate to Wicomico County just for the free college.

    If you people don't think that the entitlement generation isn't going to take advantage of this you are crazy.

    The County is NOT going to attract higher income people to the County. Instead, the County is going to start looking like Salisbury, or should I say Atlantic City, a dump.

    So I happen to disagree with Bob Culver on this particular issue. I do NOT consider myself a "backstabber". I'm just smarter then the average bear and when I make decisions I do so by looking well into the future.

    As a friend, Bob is a great guy. He absolutely loves his kids and is a great Father. You've never heard me call Bob a "backstabber" for turning on republicans. I simply disagree with this plan and the PUBLIC needs to be aware of what's to come. Of course your Liberal Media is going to call this a home run. Hand those jackasses anything for free and they love you to death.

    By the way, how does YOUR road look?

  35. Well said Joe! I've know Bob for many years. I voted for him. However, I do not agree with many of the actions he has taken. I don't consider myself a backstabber just because I disagree or question his reasons or motives. Whoever the person or people are who keep calling those who disagree with Bob "backstabbers", is not helping Bob's cause.

  36. Bob changed his tune once elected. This has alienated many. And they have a right and a reason to feel so.

  37. Like you Joe, I like Bob personally, but disagree with some of his positions. He has not done some things that he repeatedly said he would. It is hard to respect that. He chose to be an elected official and differing opinions go with the territory. I've told him to his face I don't agree with him on various things. He doesn't like to hear it. It is sad to think that he or his staff view people as "backstabbers" if they aren't in lock step agreement with him. I'm hoping the backstabbing comments are not coming from his office. That would be very disappointing.

  38. Bob is a very nice guy.
    But the position and "progressives" in his ear have gone to his head.
    He is the last guy I would have thought would seek to circimvent the spirit and will of the parties when it comes to alcohol at the CC. That is a crisis of integrity. Lawyers and loopholes!
    R&Ps cant even maintain the property as it is let alone w cans, bottles and trash sure to increase w alcohol sales.

  39. You are hoping the backstabbing comments aren't coming from Culver's office? Obviously you don't know the people who work in his office very well. Big egos, small minds.

  40. Whenever posts about the county come up, there are always comments about issues at rec and parks and the detention center. They never stop. If there are so many problems at both places, why isn't Culver taking care of business within county government? If he has time to set up a free tuition program, he should have time to investigate the on-going allegations in two of his departments.

    If these issues have been resolved, then his crack executive team should be putting out a statement to inform the taxpayers. I thought they loved transparency. ROFLMAO

  41. Bob's plan is to get a job in Annapolis. Didn't work for Rick; won't work for Bob.

  42. As has been alluded to in the prior remarks, Culver is misreading his constituency. Conservative voters that supported him did so based on his campaign platform and remarks, and gave him an overwhelming victory.

    He assumes office and begins to implement his platform, much to his conservative supporters approval and appreciation. Although, these conservative voters are still a majority and supported his platform, they diligently go about normal everyday business of getting on with life and have placed their trust in Culver to deliver.

    Unfortunately loud and tenacious liberals continue to "yell",and show up at Council meetings, even though they are the minority, and begin to "brainwash" Culver into believing that they are the majority, and are his "supporters". He begins to believe this, and appears to be vearing left of his proposed platform and stated ideology to appease those he is becoming convinced are his "supporters".

    Hopefully, he will "awaken politically" and realize his instincts and views expressed during his campaign and his service on Council are still legitimate, and will be representive of the views of the conservative majority that elected him to office.

    Although admirable to support a tuition assistance program, prioties and long term costs and consequences must be evaluated and considered.
    He may have done all of that, but to us voters it does not appear so.

    Wake up Bob! Do not alienate your true supporters, and do not forget who they are!

    MSgt Don Coffin, USMC(Ret)

  43. Well said Don Coffin! You are on point! Hope Culver is reading and paying attention.

  44. To MSgt Coffin's point about "awaken politically"...it seems to me that Culver doesn't have anyone in his inner circle who tells it like it is to him. Why is that? Or, maybe he is too arrogant or ignorant to listen. Whatever the reason, he certainly has strayed off course.

    A real leader is not afraid of someone who "speaks truth to power". A small man is.

  45. 8:50 what a joke, currently even with a degree the greedy turds employers think you are living high on the hog at $12/hr.

    That piece of paper isn't going to get you squat in this community.
    Its a friggin joke.

    AND if you go to UMES or WorWic they claim your degree is worthless.

  46. To quote a former successful Presidential campaign. "It's the economy stupid." Until Culver works on the economy (jobs), he is going to continue to lose Republican and Independent support.

    As someone else said, what will free tuition get? A group of people with no real job options, so they will seek employment elsewhere. It is a losing situation for the taxpayer. It personally offends me that Culver is so willingly spending tax dollars on this when we need to be spending money recruiting and offering incentives to businesses to come here, not to mention you have to avoid potholes on nearly every road in Wicomico County.

    This feel good, liberal pleasing move just may cost Culver his paycheck. The candidate who runs against him with a jobs plan will win.

  47. To echo Don Coffin's comment, everyone in the executive office are easy targets, i.e. brainwashed. They all thrive on feeling liked and popular. So when the vocal liberals make them the toast of the town for the free tuition, Culver and company think they are golden. They are not sharp enough to see they are being played. They have a rude awakening coming. Another lost vote here.

  48. The taxpayers would like to elect a new parks manager and he is a great turf and soil man. Also a great guy and friend who would sweep the palace clean.


  49. Boy, Seemed to be alot less bitchin about the parks department when Gary Mackes was Top Dog.

  50. Man this is unreal!!! Good luck( getting rid of any property in wicomico county and moving to a more sensible local govt) to all that are intelligent enough to see what this will do to this county

  51. Man this is unreal!!! Good luck( getting rid of any property in wicomico county and moving to a more sensible local govt) to all that are intelligent enough to see what this will do to this county

  52. Ditto 4:37 and 5:30!
    Axe the dead wood yes men and women and focus on jobs and the economy Bobby

  53. I don't think a lot of people are going to get in on this free tuition. It's so restrictive in the qualifications.

    I also don't think UMES is going to get any money. They're in Somerset county. SU? Maybe. But I doubt it.

  54. Where are all of these free tuition graduates going to get a job...there are none in this area. Just educating them for free to relocate to another area.
    This makes no sense at all. It seems anymore that leaders all over the country are just 'pulling at straws' trying to find something that will get them re-elected.

  55. LOL Gotta love the notion that the more educated the populace the more the economy will grow. Stupid fool. Nothing could be more asinine then that mentality. The economy is only going to crash and burn more and more on the lower shore and one reason-factory farming. If you imbeciles think for one second any business that pays well is going to come to this areas you are grossly uninformed. Any business liberal or conservative are now environmentally conscious. The major problem around here is for generations ignoramuses have been running the show. They allowed an area (the lower shore) to become a toxic waste dump when it could have been an area of bucolic expensive farm land close to the ocean where everyone would have wanted to live and work. The so called from here's idiot level IQ inbreds who screwed up their most valuable assets.

  56. What's restrictive today will change tomorrow when it's determined the minority students aren't represented according to demographics. That's how these things work. They lower standards to accommodate the minority.

  57. Owe - let's not forget about the long term costs associated with the collective bargaining agreement with the Sheriff/Policeman's union. Remember - almost simultaneous to another western shore county - (Montgomery) http://montgomerycountymd.gov/questionb/ - attempt to try and repeal their collective bargaining agreement - what does Wicomico County do - but ratify and approve ours right here in Wicomico. Already - this poses a serious threat to Wicomico's taxpayers as to who really runs Wicomico sheriff's department - the Sheriff or the Police Union Leaders.

    Now - with the escalating costs associated with Free college tuition we can now add this expense to the growing list of entitlements like the recent school teachers pension fund shift, and, the Wicomico Police collective bargaining agreement. Not to mention the doubling of the flush tax and increases in titles, registration, licensing fees.


  58. All this "backstabbing" of Culver. Is the man deserving of it because of his actions since he became CE? Let's look at what one of his first "mandate" was when he took office. He cut-out a day off for employees Birthdays, which didn't save us, the taxpayers, a penny, but it was a nice incentive for all of the employees.
    He took away take-home vehicles, but he rides in a brand new gas-hog vehicle that belonged to Gary Mackes. He has expanded his office personnel. He hasn't gotten rid of Mr. Wayne and he still doesn't understand the budget process even after serving 4 years on the county council. He has tried to raid the enterprise accounts which is dedicated money. He basically sh## on the wishes of the Woodcock Family regarding the selling of alcohol at the CC. He is using our tax dollars for kids for free college. He balanced this years budget on the backs of the retirees, making them change their health insurance and causing a lot of grief for some who are on a limited income and who have served this county for 20 or 30 years. And, we won't even get into the Fire Department challenges. The above is what we know & just thinking about the things we don't know that has gone on. Is Culver deserving of "backstabbers" ---- I can't answer that, but I do know he is not deserving of my vote. By the way, where are the jobs Bob that you used as one of your promises when you ran for CE?

  59. RINOs and Democrats are one in the same. Looks like Wicomico hasn't broken it's 150 year tradition yet.

  60. 938 you didn't think Culver actually meant it when he said he would bring jobs back to the area while campaigning, did you? You can't be that naive to how professional politicians worm their ways into cushy do-nothing jobs. If he really wanted to do something for the community, he would've opened more businesses or protested the idiot garbage the previous CE did instead of running for office. RINOs are synonymous with Democrats. They're little Rs really mean nothing. Just for show. He's more concerned about granting favors and possibly paying back the big wigs in the county for his elected position. If you want things to actually happen, perhaps Wicomico should follow the national level lead and get a successful business person from the area in that position rather than relying on near-do-wells and born here bullshit.

  61. The extra staff they will hire at WorWic will be his claim to bringing jobs to the area. this is how the nothings like him operate. Create government jobs which in turn makes the job creation numbers higher.

  62. Are you crazy? Liberal Socialist! Gary Mackes ran one of the most successful Recreation and Parks programs and was known throughout the State and region for that. Did he alienate some people? Probably. Show me a successful leader that pleases everyone. Bobby started alienating people before his first day was complete.

  63. B a c k s t a b b e r s.

  64. Left and right wing part of the same bird.

  65. The main issue here is that Culver is clueless and ran for CE just for the title. I mean, good on him for stepping up, but he has no idea how to run a business let alone a County. His most successful business was renting paddleboats!

  66. Why is it no one else can do Wayne's job ... better?

  67. Bob told many, many people he was getting rid of Wayne even before he was elected. Need I say more about Bob's word?

  68. Gary Mackes would be a much better C.E.than our current choice.

  69. You need to maintain a 2.0 gpa at wor wic? my cat can do that. Has anybody ever enrolled there and not "graduated"

  70. 9:18 We are not listed as a tax hell moron we are listed as backward ass rednecks who voted in a revenue cap that almost broke this counties back. Most counties lifted the revenue cap years ago. The likes of Don Coffin and his ilk selling houses to people who were already upside down. Pure Greed it had nothing to do with taxes. That whole scheme nearly crushed this country.

    As for C/B and Emergency Services not one county has repealed it. The people of this county voted for it 78% in favor of it. Educate yourself that is why no smart business person comes here. For God's sake you ignorant bastards think Delmar Pizza is real Italian food or as Wicomicans say EYEtalian. As soon as I can I am leaving you chicken house dust snorting tards behind so you can squalor in your ignorant self pity. Mouth breathing mother chuckers.

  71. Anonymous said...
    Will never quite understand the mentality of some of those posting here. The WOR WIC Tuition assistance program is a Godsend. All you need to do is look at the percentages of County residence with a college degree to understand this. If we expect the quality of life and local economy to improve we must support higher education. Certainly $75K household income is a fair standard.

    August 15, 2016 at 8:50 AM

    A Godsend? There are tons of scholarships available and the trusty Student Loan Program. You can also work a job or to and pay as you go just like I did.

    I have a problem paying for someone elses college who is too lazy to work for it and I have a problem with Bob Culver, John Cannon, Matt Holloway, Ernie Davis and John Hall(married to a Democrat) forcing me to pay for it.

  72. Anonymous said...
    Gary Mackes would be a much better C.E.than our current choice.

    August 21, 2016 at 4:53 PM

    Well Gary Mackes, why don't you just run you Troll.

  73. More proof that Bob Culver is a Republican In Name Only is the fact that he hired Cathy Bassett. Cathy Bassett is a Democrat and was married to another Democrat until she decided that she wanted to have "fun." After all that is what Democrats do. Not only is her ex husband a Democrat, but he ran the most liberal newspaper on the Eastern Shore that did stories attacking good Republicans and ruining their political careers.

    Now she is Bob's PIO(then WTH is Ms. Kenney?). She is a liberal and she is and has been friends with the likes of Jim Ireton and Jake Day. Need I say more.

  74. I am a government employee and I can tell you for a fact that Bob Culver is using the County Purchasing Cards to pay for his lunch and dinners every day. He is also using that County Suburban SUV everywhere he goes. Funny he took the company vehicles from everyone in the County that had one, but he also took a Department heads and kept it as his own. He is a complete mooch and he will go bankrupt again when he loses his election in 2 years.

  75. Bob Culver supported Mike Dunn as CEO for the position of CEO of the Greater Salisbury Committee after Jan Wiesner passed away. What do you think about that.

  76. Did anyone else notice that Wicomico County didn't get a growing or processing approval for Marijuana in this county. Ever wonder why?

    The Governor is telling people that Bob Culver called Mr. Hogan and told him that he didn't want any Marijuana in HIS county.

    Maybe next time RINO Matt Holloway will remember that when he supports Bob Culver again.

  77. Kudos to Councilmen Kilmer, Holloway and Dodd for voting against the free tuition that Bob Culver came up with. Bob and Wayne didn't even have the balls to show up to that meeting.

  78. 5:06
    You are on target
    They all need to go


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