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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What's Obama Trying To Say?


Which is it, a flag of surrender or a nation in need of help? 

Or he doesn't want to offend anybody.

This is wrong this is the United States of America and it's our flag if it offends you move someplace else to live.

Check this out and it is 100% factual:

White House logo prior, (Old) to Obama for press briefings:

Notice the Flag is the flag of surrender, (New).


  1. Those colors belong over any depiction of the White House.

  2. What he wants to do is what's alarming. This is a step in that direction.

  3. I personally cannot stand him and the sooner he gets out of OUR White House, the better. He has done nothing but try to destroy the United States ever since he's been there.


  4. He's just linking arms with a quarterback with a sputtering career.

    We can raise the flag on this image again in November; if we fail it will be replaced by Clinton Foundation pirate flag.

  5. A perfect symbol of the obama years.

  6. I interpret it as a subliminal executive command to eliminate the national debt by arresting the top 100 liberals in every state, soaking them in pigs' blood, feeding them to alligators, and selling DVDs of the historic and patriotic event. We should be debt-free in about a week. Let's not disappoint him.

  7. The flag should never be disrespected.

  8. where is this depiction of the White House being used?

  9. Obama has the flag blank so isis can fill it in, he is a treasonous pos.


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