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Monday, August 15, 2016

Two Senior Democrat Politicians Lose Their Jobs to Immigrants

Political jobs held by two veteran Democratic politicians have been outsourced to two young immigrants, underscoring the growing impact of mass immigration on white-collar Americans.

The two Democrats who have lost their jobs to immigrants are both experienced, established and liberal members of the state’s version of the Democratic party: 22-term Rep. Phyllis Kahn and 10-term Rep. Joe Mullery, both from Minneapolis.

They were beaten in state primaries on August 9 by two political newcomers: Somali-born, hijab-wearing Ilhan Omar and Thailand-born Hmong immigrant, Fue Lee. The primaries were arranged by the state’s Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party.

Both immigrants were strongly backed by their racial and ethnic groups. “This is historic, a milestone for all of us, especially immigrant communities,” Abdi Daisane, an Omar supporter, who traveled from St. Cloud, forty miles northwest of the district. “This is something to be proud of as a community,” he told the MinnPost site.

Omar’s website attributed her win to immigrant Somalis: “More than 250 volunteers and 450 individual donors supported Ilhan’s campaign. ‘I am so proud that the majority of contributions to my campaign are from members of the Somali community who believe in my leadership,'” the site said. Somalis in other states supported her, including Washington state and Ohio.



  1. I wonder if the native Americans were told this is good for you and now you work for me and my people?

  2. Travelling 40 miles to vote????? I guess the Democrats have only one precinct in the state?

  3. I'm betting they traveled way more than 40 miles!


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