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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Trump’s ‘revolution’ should be embraced by both parties

Whatever else you might say about Donald Trump, give him this much: He understands that America’s taxes are, as Jimmy McMillan said about New York rent, “too damn high.”

It’s killing the economy. And jobs.

In Monday’s speech laying out his economic vision, the billionaire businessman called for “the biggest tax revolution since the Reagan tax reform.”

He vowed to slash income taxes wholesale, cut the nation’s top corporate tax rate (now among the highest in the world among industrialized nations) by more than half, and end the death tax, to boot. He’d also simplify the tax code. (Hallelujah!)

More details to come, he promised, and it’ll be interesting to see how he pays for it all. But Trump’s impulse to roll back taxes to jump-start the economy is hopeful news.

Indeed, it’s something both Democrats and Republicans can support — or should, anyway.

Why? Consider: Conservatives believe taxes throttle growth, because they weaken the incentive to invest. Why put your money (and your back) into a risky endeavor if the government’s going to come and seize a big chunk of any profits you make? No investment means no jobs.

Liberals, of course, love taxes. And Hillary Clinton is staking much of her candidacy on a vow to raise them, at least on wealthier folks.



  1. The US government can never reduce taxes.
    There is simply too much debt to the Central Banks.
    The bankers own this government.

  2. The Trump revolution is hitting both parties and winning big with Independents, too. Everyone who has any savvy sees the corruption and payola in Clinton's world! They also see the double justice system that sickens most Americans who believe in the rule of Law.

  3. But the liberals' so-called rich, are the very ones who provide the most jobs here. So helping the rich is giving them tax incentives when they create more jobs. That's not so much helping the rich get richer, it's creating more jobs for Americans to provide for their families rather than become slaves to government with freedoms removed.

  4. Maybe it should be embraced by Blacks, Hispanics, women, Muslims, Jews, Indians and all the other people that he has insulted and abused. Let's make America hate again!


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