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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Trump Is Right: Here’s Proof Hillary & Obama Founded ISIS

Hillary even admitted U.S. created al-Qaeda, the precursor of ISIS

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are founding members of ISIS by bankrolling, arming and supporting jihadists in Syria and Libya to both destabilize the Middle East and expand the domestic police state.

Clinton even even admitted in 2009 that the U.S. government – staffed with many of her closest allies – was responsible for al-Qaeda, which morphed into ISIS.

“I mean, let’s remember here: The people we are fighting today we funded 20 years ago, and we did it because we were locked in this struggle with the Soviet Union,” she said.

Clinton continued:

They invaded Afghanistan, and we did not want to see them control central Asia, and we went to work, and it was President Reagan, in partnership with the Congress, led by Democrats, who said, “You know what? Sounds like a pretty good idea! Let’s deal with the ISI and the Pakistani military, and let’s go recruit these Mujahedin! That’s great! Let’s get some to come from Saudi Arabia and other places, importing their Wahhabi brand of Islam, so that we can go beat the Soviet Union!” And guess what? They retreated, they lost billions of dollars, and it led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. So there’s a very strong argument, which is: It wasn’t a bad investment to end the Soviet Union, but let’s be careful what we sow, because we will harvest.



  1. Give me a break, comments and headlines like this only prove the ignorance of the author.

  2. The ignorance of the America People. You know damn well that reason for all this madness in the middle east is The Daddy Bush and dumb dumb Bush policies. They stared this mess and you want to lie them out of it.

  3. To: 12:25PM and 8:55AM
    I'm sorry to inform you but several fact checking agencies have checked this assertion and it's been proven 100% true.

    It was not the Bush administration that armed the insurgence groups in the Middle East. Furthermore, when Obama (answering the whines of the liberals) left the ME in such a quick fashion, like Vietnam in the early Seventies, this created a power vacuum that was accentuated by Hussein and Gaddafi's overthrows (and executions). With this came ISIS.

    Since the creation, many State Department emails and cables of Clintons, which are available for your review on Wikileaks, show where arms and other collaterals were given to the terrorist group from the administration - through companies that support them! Please note: guns from Fast & Furious were used by ISIS in the Paris attack last November!

    Please do your research. You're spreading falsehoods here and it's really not fair to other readers whom are trying to inform themselves.

  4. Sounds like 855 has been sniffing the media glue. Funny how he accuses others of being ignorant while making an ignorant statement himself. Hilarious.


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