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Friday, August 19, 2016

Trump Goes to Louisiana Flood, Hillary Rests, Obama Vacations

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his running mate Mike Pence are going to Baton Rouge, Louisiana on Friday to meet victims of the flooding that has killed 13 and forced 30,000 Louisianans to leave their homes.

“I hope everyone in Louisiana knows that our country is praying for them, and standing with them to help them in these difficult hours,” Trump said at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina on Thursday.

President Obama has given no indication he will interrupt his two week vacation in exclusive Martha’s Vineyard to visit the flood victims. The president played another round of golfThursday with television star Larry David and Bain Capital co-managing partner Jonathan Lavine.



  1. ...Obama has not released a public statement, or said any words to the available White House Press Corps during his vacation on Martha's Vineyard.

    He interrupted his vacation in 2014 to make a public statement, regarding the death of Michael Brown.

    The POTUS is a POS.

  2. Go Trump, go! Trump is the only one that cares about our country and its people! Obama and Hillary only care about themselves!

  3. 8:03, I doubt they even care for themselves or they wouldn't whore themselves out to any position (no pun intended) not good for us. All for their gain financially and our detriment.

  4. Trump absolutely did the right thing - the other two are nothing but POS anyway. Vote Trump!!

  5. I dont even care if this is a photo op. The fact that he is going is awesome. I hope he puts on waders and helps clean up for a few hours. I mean he did go to the border. Hope he goes to the wildfires next. Choo Choo

  6. I have to be contrary on this one but I am glad that POTUS isn't going down there wasting taxpayer money on Air Force One just to say that he flew over to see the damage. That money wasted on operating that aircraft can just be packaged up and sent to LA for the flood victims. I'm sure that the takeoff costs alone will pay for a house of two. Please don't hate on me because I'm glad that he isn't getting involved on this one, the one thing that he "should" be getting involved with. LAME DUCK POS!!!

  7. And except for Fox News - NOTHING from the rest of LAME STREET MEDIA on Zippy Obama and sleepy Hillary!


  8. President Trump acting like a true President - plain and simple

  9. Just like a bush he dont care bout blk people or any just his crazy 1s hes bringing in our country that havent met this 1 yet but bring that crazy sht here n c whos in a box


  10. 8:35 You'd have a point if Obama had shown any inclination at any point in his reign to save a buck to benefit citizens and taxpayers. He hasn't. Moochie and the kids haven't. For them it's been 8 years of unfettered wishes.

    There is a big logistics footprint that proceeds and accompanies any president when they leave the WH grounds, and that's unfortunate in more ways than one. Gone are the days when Harry Truman could take a walk.

    But holding a two minute presser at 1st or 18th hole to express concern and offer help would cost him Zero. Which is what some call him.

    His 15 minutes of fame are drawing to a close; obscurity and derision lie ahead. At least Carter could, and would, swing a hammer.

  11. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 19, 2016 at 1:15 PM

    I said it before and I say it again:
    Trump to the White House and Barack on golf course, where he spends most of his time anyway, on Taxpayers dime, of course. And Hilary in the prison, now that would improve live in America very quickly.

  12. Try not to Judge Obama too harshly on not going to Louisiana...after all, as an avid golfer, he is just avoiding a water hazzard.


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