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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tim Kaine Claims He 'Never' Loses to NRA (He Has)

Democrat vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine claims he never loses to the NRA, but he has.

He assumed the office of U.S. Senator for Virginia in January 2013 and immediately threw his support behind Senator Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) post-Sandy Hook gun control legislation. The NRA opposed the legislation and it was soundly defeated on April 17, 2013.

Moreover, just one day after the December 2, 2015 San Bernardino terror attack Senate Democrats tried to use the heightened sense of emotion to squeak through a gun control bill adding terror watch-lists to background checks–although the San Bernardino attackers were not on any list. MSNBC reported that every Democrat Senator except Heidi Heitkamp (D-SD) voted for the gun control. The NRA opposed it. The measure was defeated.



  1. Picking up Hillary traits

  2. First time for everything tim you putrid little commie man

  3. The US government must take the guns prior to the economic collapse.
    It is mandatory.
    They can no longer tolerate an armed citizenry.

    It will happen.

  4. 4:05 - It is a trait of the democrat. Lie, lie, lie, and if that does not work lie again!


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