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Friday, August 19, 2016

Tim Kaine: Bill Clinton should have resigned over Monica

Hillary's VP pick weighed in on cheating politicians in 2002 interview

Bill Clinton should have resigned over the Monica Lewinsky scandal—at least, that’s a view Tim Kaine once held.

Kaine’s remark—reported 14 years ago in the Richmond Times-Dispatch in the aftermath of a state-level sex scandal—hasn’t drawn any attention thus far in the 2016 presidential cycle. But it suggests Hillary Clinton’s running mate at one point harbored reservations about the integrity of the man poised to become the country’s first first gentleman.

Kaine commented on the Lewinsky scandal in 2002, when allegations of sexual harassment had rocked the Virginia House of Delegates. The speaker of the house, Vance Wilkins, was a Republican power broker who had just helped his party flip the House and build its majority after Democrats had historically controlled the chamber.


  1. Yes, and so should Hillary pull out for the good of the nation, but nether one has any morals.

  2. But he didn't and neither will hildabeast

  3. This wasn't pushed since no one wanted al bore to be president


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