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Friday, August 19, 2016

The Federal Reserve’s Cycle of Monetary Insanity (and Treason)

In 2008; the central bankers of the West went berserk with their monetary crimes. Interest rates were driven to near-zero. Money-printing was driven to near-infinity, as represented by the Bernanke Helicopter Drop.

As a condition for engaging in monetary policies which were more insane (i.e. more criminal) than anything ever done in our economies; the central bankers promised an immediate Exit Strategy, in early 2009: thenormalization of interest rates and the normalization of money-printing. Through the middle of 2016; we’re still waiting.

The question, never asked by media drones, and never answered by the criminal central bankers is this. If near-zero interest rates (and now “negative” rates) along with exponential money-printing make our economies stronger, why weren’t we doing this 100 years ago? Why haven’t we always engaged in such policies, like we permanently engage in such policies now? It’s because you cannot build any economy through monetary chicanery.

Economies are built exclusively upon sound fiscal policies, and the first and most important principle of sound fiscal policy is that monetary policy can never be allowed to dominate fiscal policies. Look again at the Bernanke Helicopter Drop above. Look at all the decades (starting at the far left) when the U.S. economy was genuinely prosperous. The money supply was a flat line. Monetary policy was only a minor influence on the economy.


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