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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Target Boycott - Costing More than Anyone Expected

A boycott against Target over its bathroom policy is costing the retailer more than anyone expected.

The boycott started in April after Target announced that it would welcome transgender customersto use any bathroom or fitting room that matched their gender identity.

The announcement triggered an immediate backlash. Critics said that the policy opened the door for sexual predators to victimize women and children inside the retailer's bathrooms, and more than 1.4 million people signed a pledge to stop shopping at Target unless it reversed the policy.

But Target didn't back down.

Now shopper traffic is declining for the first time in years, and the company is installing single-occupancy bathrooms in all of its stores to give critics of the policy more privacy. The new bathrooms, which already exist in a majority of Target stores, are costing Target $20 million to install, Fortune reports.



  1. Great news! It is my sincere desire that every Target store eventually go out of business. Please boycott Target.

  2. I don't know what to say about article.
    I am baffled by the idiocy of the Target officials.

    I for one, could have easily predicted this outcome.
    My neighbor to the left would have predicted it.
    My neighbor to the right would have predicted it.
    My 2nd neighbor to the right has a brother in law, who would have predicted it.
    My 2nd grade teacher has a great grandson who lives in Detroit. He would have predicted it.
    All 37 of Elvis Presley's nieces and nephews would have predicted it.

    WTF? What is wrong with the folks at Target?

    I'm going to stop typing right now, and send my resume to Target Corporate offices. I want to become the CEO of Target. I will be a friggin' hero over there!

  3. Close the whole store, no big loss.

  4. Target my family we the people target Target..

  5. Haven been back since February and don't plan on stepping foot in any of their stores ever again. I've had enough of their political correctness bs!!!
    Let the Transgender and Gay community support them. See how long they last!

  6. Dittos 2:44...just want to add, 'we the people' do have a voice and Can make a great change if we just unite and 'gitter done'...Bye, bye Target. BTW, we need to use this same spirit to get Trump/Pence elected.

  7. I'm more annoyed about their lack of credit card security but whatever


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