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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Supporting Transgender Students in Schools (Anne Arundel County)

This is a long video. Fast forward to about 23 minutes.  At about 27 minutes they talk about where children will sleep on overnight field trips.


  1. BS ,parents get out infront of the BOE and start protesting.

    1. They wont until a trans cuddles up to there kid ?

  2. what are they trying to distract us from?

  3. The administrators in this video made me sick. They have no morals or ethics. They do not REALLY care about children or they would tell them the truth. They also don't care about normal children without trans issues or they wouldn't be forcing them to shower and sleep with people of the opposite sex. Wait until an 18 year old boy is showering next to your 13 year old daughter. Just their nonchalant tone and attitude in the video was heartbreaking.

  4. Mainlining a mental illness to children right out in the open!
    And bragging about it.
    And waiting for the parent's response, only to realize the parents don't care.
    Most people can't keep up with all of the destructive agendas at play in the Country.
    The children have already been sacrificed.
    Common Core has always been terrible.
    The teachers never had the guts to reject it and rebel.
    The Union kept them in line. Along with the paychecks.

  5. The "hidden dangers of the rainbow" warriors are everywhere they are in our schools, there are in our government they are in the United Nations, they are in every facet of society worldwide. Its an evil agenda all sold by wolves in sheep clothing. It is Global disease a menace that is spreading the division and hatred of this evil Twisted ideology. That can only lead to destruction since its not of God. It's so sad that Satan has captured so many hearts

  6. Hahaha. Aren't teacher's their union and BOE GREAT??? HAHA. MARYLAND SCHOOL SYSTEM IS AN EMBARRASSMENT.


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