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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Staggering Corruption Reveals NATO/NASA 'Lies' At The Heart Of The Pentagon

Sailors And Marines Can Officially Declare They Are Transgenders This Fall … Before declaring transgender status, these service-members have to be at the start, in the middle of, or finished transitioning. Only then will they be able to ask for a formal gender switch in the database system, Navy Times reports. –Daily Caller

It is helpful for transgender people that the Pentagon now has a policy for them if they are in the service. In fact, it is surely a lingering and personal tragedy for those who feel they are the wrong sex.

But the bigger issue regarding the Pentagon is its immense and murderous corruption. In some sense, news like this is being promoted to distract us from the Pentagon’s ongoing problems.

The Pentagon still cannot officially account for some $8 trillion-plus in spending, according to a Department of Defense inspector general’s report released here at the end of July 2016.

We are providing this report for review and comment. Army and Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis personnel did not adequately support $2.8 trillion in third quarter adjustments and $6.5 trillion in year-end adjustments made to Army General Fund data during FY 2015 financial statement compilation. We conducted this audit in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.

The Pentagon’s systems remain unable to support federally mandated book-keeping, see here. Obviously, systems have not improved much since Donald Rumsfeld announced here that the Pentagon had mislaid some $2 trillion the day before 9/11. We shouldn’t lose track of difficulties even when contemplating the Pentagon’s increased sensitivity to its soldiers.



  1. Steal a loaf of bread? Jail.

    Misplace and claim you don't know what happened to TRILLIONS of dollars?
    You get a pension and appearances on talk shows.

    Two Sets of Laws.
    In your face.
    Make sure you pay your taxes.

    Keep cheering.

  2. No wonder the military industrial complex likes a huge military budget.
    They appear to be stealing from it.


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