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Monday, August 29, 2016

Short Term Solution


  1. Yep thats the bottom line. This is why we need school vouchers in the state of Maryland. Stop the reeducation and indoctrination of our children to the Socialist Marxist ideology

  2. we don't need school vouchers as it will leave behind those that are stuill stuck in the public indoctrination system. We need free-form thinking standards and acceptance that not every johnny or jane are going to make a big difference in our society. I have 4 children that have all chosen different life-paths. 2 out of my 4 are not contributors to society as 1 is a mall-minded thief and liar while the other is a drug loving wanna-be ghetto-thug caucasian rapper that has said that everyone should just give him money without having to ask for it if we really mean it when we say that we want to see him succeed and be happy. Now my youngest 2 are totally different from their older brothers. My daughter has done 13 years of dancing, is fluent in 4 languages so far, volunteers at 2 different nursing homes and teaches CPR/AED to young teen caregivers. My youngest son stayed on the dean's list while he attended college and remained on the honor roll as he completed all AP Honors classes in high school. He has a successful Minecraft game server business that he uses the proceeds to help many of the elderly patients at various nursing homes pay for their medications. I have raised to democrats that just don't get it and 2 wonderful Independents that are trying to change the world. The hardest part of parenting all 4 is accepting that they aren't all the same and realizing that no matter how bad I wanted for them, I cannot live their lives for them. Acceptance is very hard, but the only way to maintain sanity. We don't all see the world in the same light and learning that it is okay for us all to be different is the only way to move on live your life.

  3. Anonymous said...
    we don't need school vouchers as it will leave behind those that are stuill stuck in the public indoctrination system. We need free-form thinking standards and acceptance that not every johnny or jane are going to make a big difference in our society. I have 4 children that have all chosen different life-paths. 2 out of my 4 are not contributors to society as 1 is a mall-minded thief and liar while the other is a drug loving wanna-be ghetto-thug caucasian rapper that has said that everyone should just give him money without having to ask for it if we really mean it when we say that we want to see him succeed and be happy. Now my youngest 2 are totally different from their older brothers. My daughter has done 13 years of dancing, is fluent in 4 languages so far, volunteers at 2 different nursing homes and teaches CPR/AED to young teen caregivers. My youngest son stayed on the dean's list while he attended college and remained on the honor roll as he completed all AP Honors classes in high school. He has a successful Minecraft game server business that he uses the proceeds to help many of the elderly patients at various nursing homes pay for their medications. I have raised to democrats that just don't get it and 2 wonderful Independents that are trying to change the world. The hardest part of parenting all 4 is accepting that they aren't all the same and realizing that no matter how bad I wanted for them, I cannot live their lives for them. Acceptance is very hard, but the only way to maintain sanity. We don't all see the world in the same light and learning that it is okay for us all to be different is the only way to move on live your life.

    August 29, 2016 at 7:58 AM

    Since when do you have the autority to tell me what I have to spend my money on. If you are worried about someone being "left behind" then you go put a condom on their daddy's peckers. Someone elses problem is not our problem. All you left wing libtards think give, give, give. I am sick of giving to someone elses little mistake. Give me my tax voucher now.

  4. Every since the sixties when they kicked prayer out of schools the liberals have been brain washing our kids and dumbing them down. That makes it easier for them to except anything the government tells them. they easily accept socialism and Marxism or anything else coming at them. I was watching a man on the street interview on TV. The question put to these people was "What was Hillary Clintons job before running for President. The people were so ignorant 95% said Bill Clinton's wife. they had no clue she was Secretary of State or a New York politician. These are the ones voting in our elections. So stupid and ignorant. Just go to a McDonalds cashier and give them a ten dollar bill for your food then after they ring in the ten give them the exact change. They look at you like you have two heads. They have no idea to just give you three dollars back because it was $7.75.Thats because the machine says give you $2.25 back. They are so stupid they don't even have to ring in money amounts for the food. They just push the button marked big mac or fish fillet. It is so pathetic and these are the people that are coming up to run our country. So sad.

  5. Anonymous said...
    we don't need school vouchers as it will leave behind those that are stuill stuck in the public indoctrination system. We need free-form thinking standards and acceptance that not every johnny or jane are going to make a big difference in our society. I have 4 children that have all chosen different life-paths. 2 out of my 4 are not contributors to society as 1 is a mall-minded thief and liar while the other is a drug loving wanna-be ghetto-thug caucasian rapper that has said that everyone should just give him money without having to ask for it if we really mean it when we say that we want to see him succeed and be happy. Now my youngest 2 are totally different from their older brothers. My daughter has done 13 years of dancing, is fluent in 4 languages so far, volunteers at 2 different nursing homes and teaches CPR/AED to young teen caregivers. My youngest son stayed on the dean's list while he attended college and remained on the honor roll as he completed all AP Honors classes in high school. He has a successful Minecraft game server business that he uses the proceeds to help many of the elderly patients at various nursing homes pay for their medications. I have raised to democrats that just don't get it and 2 wonderful Independents that are trying to change the world. The hardest part of parenting all 4 is accepting that they aren't all the same and realizing that no matter how bad I wanted for them, I cannot live their lives for them. Acceptance is very hard, but the only way to maintain sanity. We don't all see the world in the same light and learning that it is okay for us all to be different is the only way to move on live your life.

    August 29, 2016 at 7:58 AM

    Well Dear, it seems to me that YOU have failed you children.

    Teaching CPR/AED... as if that is an accomplishment. LMAO

  6. Anon 7:58 AM
    I understand where you are coming from but I don't think that this will happen until enough kids are removed from the public school system and placed into better schools that actually teach history, civics, science and math. Once the public school system starts losing enough kids then, and only then, will they reconsider their teaching and indoctrination methods currently being used.

    There are conservative-minded teachers out there in the public schools but they are few and far between. They cannot stand up to either the bad students (thugs or punks) nor can they stand up to the school boards without fear or reprimand.

    Just my two cents.

  7. This guy is right on the money. Our kids are being indoctrinated in the public school systems while parents are not paying attention.

  8. Sorry for you, 7:58, but vouchers WILL help. The bad schools will wither due to lower attendance (if the teachers unions can be restrained). Another case of market forces (competition) correcting problems.
    Compete or die.

  9. so a "JOB" teaching anything, such as cpr/aed, isn't an accomplishment? a "JOB" dancing for a living isn't an accomplishment? a "JOB" volunteering to sit with, interact with, and care for our elderly isn't an accomplishment? How much time do you spend with your elders? From the lack of seeing many faces in each facility, I'd say you just don't. You don't need to have a relative in a facility to know that our elderly are still human beings and need social interaction, but I'm sure you are way too busy being self absorbed to concern yourself with helping others from your chair of judgement.

    It sure seems that "August 29, 2016 at 8:45 AM" must be quite the democrat for not seeing success where it is. I cannot fail my kids no more than I can succeed my kids. I am actually involved in their lives, but I cannot live their lives, I can only live mine. In fact, just being in the picture makes me a better parent than those that choose to run or just pay child support. So, for commenting here in a negative way, maybe you should take time to reflect on how you can improve yourself and others by participating in life and not just by judging it.

  10. That is the truth!

  11. this is good reading. good job sticking up for yourself 9:39 AM.


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