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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Shock Video–Milwaukee Rioters: 'They Beatin' Up Every White Person!'

Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars collected videos from Saturday night’s riots in Milwaukee where participants say they are targeting white bystanders for assault.

From InfoWars:

The clip shows angry rioters chanting “black power!” before asking “is they white?” as cars slowly drive past.

“Yeah they white!” states someone else, prompting the mob to run towards the vehicle.

“Yeah they white, get their ass!” screams another.

“Hey they beatin’ up every white person!” exclaims another rioter.

“He white – beat his head – bitch!” he adds.

The footage appears to show the mob attacking cars and trying to drag out the drivers.



  1. Such a fine example of using the English language. Even the illegal immigrants that aren't supposed to be here are able to speak better then these haters. Sad.

  2. What a shame that people have not common sense anymore. I feel so sorry for the innocent people that are being caught up in the turmoil created by the ignorant "blm" riots. God help them if they try that $^!* here.

  3. Imagine them assaulting the vehicle of a scared gun toting white person. Crazy times!

  4. The behavior of savages.

  5. Obama legacy is now set in stone. He has completed his task.

  6. No Hate Crime here.... Move along say Obama and every Democrat.

  7. If a white person in a city isn't armed at this point in America then they're stupid.

    1. What are you to do in Marland? You can't carry concealed or open. Guess we just have to roll with the punches.

  8. The reality is that blacks that live in the inner cities are actually more educated in society than the President's daughter who has spent her non study high school time smoking grass and partying while enjoying taxpayer funded luxury vacations. The result? A non qualifying GPA for college.

  9. They will kill themselves...its already underway.

  10. I FEARED for my life so i RAN them thugs over ,its coming folks.

  11. Remember the Thugs that dragged the White trucker out of his truck during the Rodney king BS , DONT BE A VICTIM BE PREPARED.


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