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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Rudy Giuliani clobbers Hillary Clinton for naming executed Iranian

Rudy Giuliani suggested on Tuesday that Hillary Clinton caused the death of Shahram Amiri, an Iranian national who was hanged on Sunday in the Islamic republic for 'revealing secrets to the enemy.'

Hillary Clinton used her private email server to discuss details of the Iranian nuclear scientist who was put to death for giving information to the CIA.

'Today it was revealed that some of those Hillary Clinton emails contain the name of a man named Amiri,' Giuliani said while warming up a crowd in Wilmington, North Carolina for Donald Trump. 'Amiri was executed by the Iranians several days ago.'

'Remember Hillary told us there was no top secret information on her emails? Remember she told us that?' the former New York City mayor asked a crowd estimated at 7,000 people. 'Well, she lied!'

'And I don't know the connection between that and the death of Mr. Amiri, but what I do know is it put a lot more attention on him. When they found those emails, it put a lot more attention on him. It certainly put him at great risk, even if they didn't find them.'



  1. She emailed, she exposed, he died! Ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!

  2. Just another body attributed to the Mafi, I mean, the Clinton Crime Family.

  3. The Clinton's make Tony Supranio's family look like they're a bunch of Amish pilgrims!

  4. The problem is that the rest of us will get it also.


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