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Friday, August 19, 2016

Princeton HR department: Don't use word 'man'

The Princeton University HR department has largely wiped the word “man” from its vocabulary.

The relatively new policy in effect at the Ivy League institution spells out the directive in a four-page memo that aims to make the department more gender inclusive.

Instead of using “man,” employees are told to use words such as human beings, individuals or people.

Other guidelines? Instead of “man and wife” use spouses or partners. Switch out “man made” with artificial, handmade or manufactured. Don’t use the verb “to man,” as in to work something, instead use to operate or to staff. Throw out workmanlike and replace it with skillful.

The memo goes on to list a variety of occupations that typically include the word “man” in them and offers replacements: business person instead of businessman, firefighter instead of fireman, ancestors instead of forefathers, and so on.



  1. Sorry, but that's taking PC way too extremely. I'll continue using the English Language as defined by Webster's.

  2. These are our "educated".

  3. Oh man, I just couldn't go there.

  4. It has been a while since grade school but I do not see the word "man" in "forefathers" in fact "forefathers" only includes one letter from the word "man". Maybe those ivy league bigots and proponents against freedom of speech should go back and learn how to spell.

  5. educated idiots
    just because you have an education doesn't mean you have sense.
    Just look at our county and city councils
    Real clowns

  6. It's called censorship. The liberals try to wrap it in some guilt laced malarkey, but it's nothing more than another infringement of our rights by the left.

  7. It is simple mind control

  8. Having a college degree means your parents were affluent enough to send you.

  9. Instead of posting this how bout that condemed firefighters building that was supposely condemed that wasnt and we as taxpayers have 2 pay 50k 2 demo it really thats a fkn joke thats a bunch of bs i only seen a bunch of f250s w people inside for last 2yrs quit lying


  10. They richly deserve any and all derision heaped on them by man, woman and child.

    Will they be changing the university name to Princesston or something more inclusive like Childofroyalbirthton?

    The tiger has jumped the shark!


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