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Monday, August 08, 2016

Planned Parenthood Was Created to ‘Exterminate Blacks’

In a wide-ranging interview on the racial climate in America, Baltimore Ravens tight end Benjamin Watson brought up Planned Parenthood’s founding, saying the organization was created to “exterminate blacks.”

Mr. Watson said black support for Planned Parenthood is “ironic,” given that the organization was founded by eugenicist Margaret Sanger in order to control “unfit” populations.

“I do know that blacks kind of represent a large portion of abortions, and I do know that honestly the whole idea with Planned Parenthood and Sanger in the past was to exterminate blacks, and it’s kind of ironic that it’s working,” he said in an interview with Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center.

“We support candidates, and overwhelmingly support the idea of having Planned Parenthood and the like, and yet, that is why she created it,” he added. “We are buying it hook, line and sinker, like it’s a great thing.”



  1. he is absolutely correct....ready of on Margaret Sangor....she started planned parenthood as a population control method....of a specific population...blacks....and check out how much Hillary and how highly Hillary and the other Democrats speak of her......a simple little fact that they dont want all the sheeple to know.

  2. But yet their flag flys high, while other deemed racist are ridiculed. The PP flag is murderous yet is rallyed around funded and protected. Sure is a sick twisted world!Black americans need to really see who continues to stiffle. Mr Kings dream.who continues to enslave them ...DEMOCRATS. join the trump train and you will live the real american dream. Hillary with only further your races demise

    Free at last! Free at last!
    Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

    Certinly not under democrats policies!

  3. If PP does not work,more stringent measures will follow.Every policy begins at the most lenient level.When that never works,(because people are hard headed and think their ignorance is being taken advantage of),Katie bar the door.Step 2,AKA the next phase of PP is about to begin,and it ain't pretty.

  4. He's spot on. Read the history of P.P. founder Margaret Sanger. She was evil at best.

  5. 100% accurate, no coincidence the majority are in the inner city

  6. Sanger called them 'undesirables'.

  7. 10:31 - You can get books on audio if you cannot read. History up my friend. He is 100% correct!!

  8. Obviously it did not work Ben you seem to be doing well for yourself. I will say Watson did more than play ball in college he got an education. He has written a couple of books that are good reads.

    Any man or women of color voting for Hillary is helping to destroy a race.

  9. We blacks better get smart and vote Republican. Because the Democrats started the KKK. They tried to keeps us from voting. They started planned parenthood to exterminate the black race. They also voted against giving us our civil rights. And Obama and Hillary are still trying to keep us down and dependent on the government. Instead of helping us get good jobs and better educations so we can stop being slaves to the Democrats. We need to be more like Ben Carson and be better than that.

  10. We as blacks need to vote independent. Democrats and republicans both want us exterminated. Republicans want police to wipe us out while democrats want us to do the job for them. Meanwhile they continue to fill our heads with lies and fantasies of hope.

  11. He's right. Takes a lot of courage for him to say it.

  12. He must have thought he could say the truth?
    What an idiot.

    He wasn't supposed to tell the truth.


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