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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Pharmaceutical Exec: Hillary Clinton Has Parkinson's Disease

"Involuntary movements" and difficulty walking is a form of dyskinesia

According to pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli, footage of Hillary Clinton exhibiting bizarre behavior is proof that the presidential candidate is suffering from Parkinson’s disease.

Citing his “15 year background in drug discovery and pharmaceuticals,” Shkreli asserts that the videos of Hillary’s strange facial movements and her difficulties with walking are “pretty unmistakable signs of Parkinson’s disease.”

Explaining that a stroke or a concussion wouldn’t explain the symptoms, Shkreli says that Hillary’s walking difficulties are a “cardinal symptom of Parkinson’s disease” and what is known as “freezing gait”. Shkreli adds that he helped develop a drug to treat the problem.



  1. Isn't Skreli the guy who jacked up the prices on his company's drugs so that people couldn't afford them? And then laughed about it.

    1. Yes. And his experience is on the management/financial side not the biochem/pharma side.

  2. I don't think he is a very credible source. He acts like he has a few screws of his own that are loose.

  3. She is a drunk and pills. That is what we need running the country

  4. I saw someone sneeze today, I think they have SARS.

  5. Is this why she " short-circuited"?

  6. Hey folks,
    You may want to do a simple search on Youtube: Hillary illness

    Educate yourself!
    The media won't show you the videos.

  7. Parkinson's is too good for her. I want something rare, painful and drawn out.

  8. "She is a drunk and pills" - This is what we need running the country?

  9. 333 It's not that I don't believe there's something wrong with her, it's that Shkreli isn't qualified to comment on it.

  10. Must be catching - last January there was speculation Bill Clinton had Parkinson.


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