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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Pence defends Trump: He was rallying gun owners to vote

GOP vice presidential nominee Mike Pence came to his running mate’s defense on Tuesday afterDonald Trump appeared to joke about gun owners killing Hillary Clinton.

During a rally on Tuesday, Trump was blasting Clinton for wanting to “essentially abolish the Second Amendment,” and warning the crowd that judges she nominated would likely gut gun rights.

“By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks,” he said. “Though the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.”

Pence dismissed concerns that the remarks were a call to violence.

“I think what Donald Trump is clearly saying was that people who cherish that right, people who believe that firearms in the hands of law abiding citizens make our communities more safe, not less safe, should be involved in the political process and let their voice be heard,” the Indiana governor told an NBC reporter in Lancaster, Penn



  1. When did he say vote? God bless Mike Pence, he does try.

  2. My buddies are practicing on Hillary targets, they're going to do the right thing.

  3. Pence doesn't have to explain anything , Like I said before , Trump said what most are afraid to say , we just think it and wish for it . That's why I like Trump , he's not the political correct guy.

  4. 5:23 PM - Not much of an American, are you?

  5. You can't play the audio of Trump saying anything about killing the subject. Because he did not say it or anything near it. Article states "appeared to joke about gun owners killing Hillary Clinton". There is no story other than "appearing to discredit Trump".

  6. 5:23 I pray for calm winds and a study aim for your friends. Someone needs to be the hero and stop her.

  7. 6:29 So what did he really mean? For a guy who claims to have the best words, he sure has to explain what he meant a lot.

  8. Lets face it the Donald is not a polished speaker. The guy has shoe tread on his tongue. He is still getting my vote. I will take an honest non politically correct person over that pig any day. As for any American talking about killing her or any other candidate what the F*** is wrong with you. As a true Patriot I would give my life for any sitting President. We may not like their politics but they are still OUR President. This country has some pure idiots. We wonder why we are the most violent culture in the world. Some people just can not handle freedom.

    Vote Trump !!!!

  9. Mr Trump is all about the power of the vote, and to vote Hillary out is his wish. Anyone who translates that into an assassination threat is wavering on mental illness. Oh, wait, we're talking about Hillary and her gang again...

  10. The Media is ULTRA BIASED. They could turn apple pie into assasanation.

  11. Some pretty disturbing posts on here. Will be alerting the USSS.


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