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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Pat Caddell Blasts Reuters’ Back-Rigging Polls to Show Clinton Winning

Speaking exclusively to Breitbart News, political polling pioneer Pat Caddell said the Reuters news service was guilty of an unprecedented act of professional malpractice after it announced Friday it has dropped the “Neither” option from their presidential campaign tracking polls and then went back and reconfigured previously released polls to present different results with a reinterpretation of the “Neither” responses in those polls.

“This comes as close as I have ever seen to cooking the results,” said the legendary pollster and political consultant. “I suppose you can get away with it in polling because there are no laws. But, if this was accounting, they would put them in jail.”

The decision comes on the heels of a Breitbart News report that shows a 17-point swing towards Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump and away from Democratic nominee Hillary R.Clinton.

“The looks to me, are far as I can indicate, they have merely decided to go back and revise their numbers in a formula that removes voters or allocates them–I am not sure how they are doing this–proportionately,” he said.

Reuters has rejiggered its methods in order to get the results they want, said Mr. Caddell.

“What they have done is unprecedented, he said. “They have now gone back and changed their results.”

More here


  1. We are in the midst of a technological breakthrough that has no rival.Expect it to control the election as well.

  2. The only poll that counts is Nov. 8th.

  3. It is funny (not in a humorous way) how the Dems will skewer the poll results in such a way to make it look like the Hilliary is winning by a huge margin. This, in turn, makes other who may be sitting on the on the fence decide to go with the "winner".

    I'm with 0927AM, only the polls on November the 8th really count.

    Just my two cents.

  4. Always someone else fault.

  5. 10:00 AM We will be hearing a lot of that on Nov the 9th.


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