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Monday, August 22, 2016

Obama Daughter At Wild Party Shut Down By Cops

A party at a private residence on Martha’s Vineyard got a little to rowdy and had to be shut down by police – and one of the attendees who got sent home was the President’s oldest daughter, Malia Obama.

The cops were called over noise complaints at the party in West Tisbury – where the Obama family is vacationing.

Word is that the Secret Service got Malia “outta there right quick” when the police showed up.

Reportedly, the party was hosted by a group of college kids on vacation, but it got out of hand.



  1. Like "father" if he is her real father, like daughter, Apple doesn't fall far.

  2. THIS is why Obama's offsprings can't qualify for Harvard (or any other school). You can't spend time on never ending vacations paid for by someone else and not even attend classes in high school. Smoking the dope doesn't help either but Obama himself promoted that when he was....

    1. They deserve a vacation like everyone else, just like other ex-presidents have done. All ex-presidents have spent money paid for by someone else, so it's not anything new. The next President will take vacations and someone else will pay for it. But because it's President Obama, people are do darn critical...get over it.

  3. You people are idiots. She is a typical ultra rich teenager. Can go to any Ivy league university she wants.

  4. She's a kid, for goodness sake.

  5. When you have the Secret Service protecting you you become an untouchable by any authority!!

  6. All kids party. Get over it.

  7. Just like Mom & Dad think their God's gift to the American People rules are for others. Just wait this set of parents troubles is just beginning, they were not raised white all they know is "Black Lives Matter".

  8. Bush girls weren't party animals?


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