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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

NY Post: Report Raises Questions About ‘Clinton Cash’ from Russians During ‘Reset’

There’s more “Clinton Cash” trouble for Hillary.

A report out Monday, “From Russia With Money — Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset and Cronyism,” raises serious questions about the cash connections between the Clintons and participants in the State Department’s failed five-year effort to improve, or “reset,” US-Russia relations during Hillary’s reign as secretary of state.

Key players in a main component of the reset — a Moscow-based Silicon Valley-styled campus for developing biomed, space, nuclear and IT technologies called “Skolkovo” — poured tens of millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation, the report by journalist Peter Schweizer alleges.

As the Obama administration’s top diplomat, Hillary Clinton was at the center of US efforts on the reset in general and Skolkovo in particular, Schweizer argues.

Yet, “Of the 28 US, European and Russian companies that participated in Skolkovo, 17 of them were Clinton Foundation donors” or sponsored speeches by former President Bill Clinton, Schweizer told The Post.

“It raises the question — do you need to pay money to sit at the table?”

Read the rest of the story here.


  1. I certainly don't want Billary to win, but even if she does, at least the current Idiot in the WH bill be gone.

  2. Mr Trump is going to demolish her in the debates it will be hard to watch.


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