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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

No One Can Stop Her... And She Knows It: "This Election Won't Be Fair"

To the left, a shot from Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator; to the right, Hillary’s acceptance speech was a carefully scripted triumph over the democratic process… as demonstrated by her playing with the balloons like the world is her toy.

In a fair election, my best estimate is that Donald Trump would win in a landslide.

But this election will not be fair. In fact, few of them are.

For Trump’s part, there is no doubt that he has been this year’s sensation. A newcomer to politics, he has thrown out all the conventional rules, played by his own, and found a captivated country hanging onto his every word. Love him, hate him, or somewhere in between… no one can look away from the spectacle.

After a war within the party and the convenient disposal of 16 conventional GOP contenders, Trump is now the official Republican candidate and he is in a strong position. Coming out of the relatively calm Republican National Convention and going into the tumultuous DNC, Trump has enjoyed soaring poll numbers while Hillary has been losing ground fast to the scandals and corruption revealed by Wikileaks and other related mouthpieces.

But the fat lady has not sung.

Hijacking the Party, Keeping Dissent Under Wraps

Hillary’s coronation last night as she formally accepted her party’s nomination could hardly have been more forced. The entire Democratic convention has been stage-managed to downplay the overwhelming noise from Bernie supporter who are outraged and feel betrayed by Hillary.

The entire convention has had a certain air to it, a quality that reveals the desperation for power, and the crisp sense of danger that brings with it.



  1. Someone can stop her , just takes a brave man or woman.

  2. Well we're just going to have to show her otherwise.

  3. While not a Trump supporter at first I just can't tolerate the thought of HRC as president. What an indignity to the USA. She is corrupt and a liar so is this what we have become? On the other hand Trump is his own worst enemy not able to keep his mouth shut. Monday morning quarterbacks have tried gentle persuasion to keep to the facts and on message about the poor GDP and security issues but he seems to prefer counter attacks like as in a school yard tussle that demeans his credibility and professionalism.

  4. Art Laffer did an interview with Lou Dobbs the other night and his prediction (which is usually spot on) is, if Trump's elected, the market will surge and economy will quickly right itself. Investors have been reticent about investing because people haven't been opening businesses over the last 7-1/2 years. Obama's lack of business finesse has been painfully obvious with the regulations gone wild mentality. People, investors, know that Trump's plan for deregulation and lowering taxes will help get seed money for people that in this economy is non-existent.


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