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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

NFL Star Spells It Out Bluntly For Black Clinton Supporters

Benjamin Watson is an NFL football star who just signed a two-year, $7 million deal with the Ravens in the offseason. He’s young, just 35 yrs-old, but as you can see has a pretty large family. So what do you imagine the political opinion of a black family man would be? His political opinions might get him called an Uncle Tom by Reverend Al Sharpton types… but you tell me if you think his opinions are ‘Uncle Tom’ or if he’s revealing ‘Uncle Tom’ behavior.

Watson has been a huge voice regarding the state of race relations in the United States, but he’s drawing both criticism and praise for claiming that Planned Parenthood was created to “exterminate blacks” and that “it’s working.”

From Allen West:

In an interview with the Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center, Watson, a devout Christian, said that he’s puzzled by why so many blacks support Planned Parenthood.

“I do know that blacks kind of represent a large portion of the abortions, and I do know that honestly the whole idea with Planned Parenthood and (group founder Margaret) Sanger in the past was to exterminate blacks, and it’s kind of ironic that it’s working,” Watson said.

“We (as minorities) support candidates, and overwhelmingly support the idea of having Planned Parenthood and the like, and yet, that is why she created it. We are buying it hook, line, and sinker, like it’s a great thing. It’s just amazing to me and abortion saddens me, period, but it seems to be something that is really pushed on minorities and provided to minorities especially as something that they should do.



  1. FYI....Islam & Abortions
    Rule 1: In Islam, it is forbidden (haram) to abort the fetus and if this is done, it would result in the Diyah1 having to be paid. The Diyah is the responsibility of the person who was in charge of carrying out the abortion
    Rule 2: If the child was to die while in the womb of the mother, then it is obligatory to remove it from the womb.
    Rule 3: If the pregnancy is a danger to the life of the mother or would result in her become handicapped, then it is permissible for her to abort the child before the time when the soul has been infused into the body.
    However it is not permissible to abort the child once the soul has come into the body and the fetus starts to move (inside the womb) and the mother must carefully watch over and give special attention to the child inside her and must make sure that it is brought into the world at the appropriate time.
    Rule 4: If the child which has been aborted was four months old or more, then it must be given the Ghusl-e-Mayyit2 and must also be provided with a Kafan (burial shroud) and must be buried.

    1. Now my question, do you vote democrat Islam expert?

  2. Appears muslim have a leg up on democrats concerning respect for the unborn

    1. And I bet he's voting for Hillary, lol


  3. Mr. Watson's observations are accurate.

    Need more guys like him in sports (don't like his team but that's beside the point). Beautiful wife and nice family; those kids will do well because Dad and Mom are involved. Best wishes to them.

    1. Yeah 7 mill can't hurt either, lol

  4. Planned Parenthood is just the pretty mind control name they've given their eugenics society of old. It was designed to get rid of "less then desirables" as Sanger so elequently put it. Hitler molded his program from the work Sanger and others achieved.
    Sanger agreed with Darwin and his book, full title by the way: "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life"
    I wonder what Darwin, Hitler, and Sanger meant by that?

  5. Joe, could you please move this back to the top for a while, so that more people can see this wonderful family?

    The fact that they're black offers a nice reinforcement to the role model concept, but being black is really a minor point. They're a great example of a traditional, wholesome family.. something we REALLY need to see in this debauched society we're living in.

    To the Watsons: Thank you for your willingness to stand and share your values, even though you will surely be abused for it. Your steadfastness is an act of love. Thank you.

  6. Ben never wore a gold hub cap around his neck or shot himself at the club. No he was never part of the thug culture in the N.F.L. This man is a class act front the bottom to the top. The fact that he continues to speak about human values says it all/ All walks of life can learn from this man. The answer to who he will vote for should be easy. Watson is a Republican. Ever notice how Thugs hate educated Christian Black men who marry their child's mother.


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