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Thursday, August 25, 2016

New Report: Traffic Deaths in the U.S. Worst In 50 Years

BALTIMORE (WJZ)– Alarming new statistics show traffic fatalities in the United States are at its worst in 50 years and there’s concern this trend could get worse.

According to a recent report from the National Safety Council, about 19,100 people have died in traffic wrecks so far this year. A 9-percent jump compared to the same time last year.

In Maryland alone, an estimated 231 people have died in traffic related accidents, up 3-percent from last year.

Nationwide, this trend started in 2014. It’s the worst in 50 years and some drivers are more at risk than others.



  1. It's because we are driving plastic cars.
    But boy, what great fuel efficiency we get.

  2. Cant be not with clicket or ticket and no texting while driving... or maybe they just want a reason to pull you over.

  3. numbers probably influenced by more drugs, more, more cars and increased population and all the aliens being allowed all the benefits of american citizens

    next we will be seeing TV ads of sleazy lawyers inviting the filing laws suits - for the government allowing these aliens to enter United States and family member getting killed in auto accident. (just like them talcum powder ads the sleazy lawyers are getting rich on).

  4. Talking on the phone, texting, googling stuff up. We are a distracted people.

  5. leaving out Chicago this seems to be more deaths by car than by gun

  6. Maybe instead of raising the speed limit, it should be lowered. then we can afford expensive gas that gives half the mileage we used to get.

  7. Somewhere, in a dimly lit back office, several Gestapo officers are plotting the next "campaign" (and what to call it, like maybe "operation Hammer Claw") against "we, the people".
    Its NOT the deaths that bother them at all, its the possible fines that they feel they missed out on by not catching these lawbreakers and inattentive drivers.
    Eating a burger on the way home? BAM!! $80 ticket.
    Look down to see if you spilled catsup on your shirt?? BAM!! $80 ticket.
    Take a glance into the backseat to see why you child is crying?
    BAM!! $80 ticket.
    Tune your radio while driving??? BAM!! $80 ticket.
    Operate a computer while driving at 70 MPH while talking on your cell phone and listening to the dispatcher in heavy traffic, but wear a badge, too?
    No problem.
    I'm wonder why these brilliant SS troops haven't thought about using drones to monitor your speed and send you a ticket?
    This article is the warning shot and first notice of a never-ending rotation of military style "campaigns" against the citizens, for our "safety".
    By our "safety", I mean our money. And if the ticket isn't enough, there is always the possibility of some confiscation of your cash or property with no charges or trial! That will give Heinrich goosebumps all over!
    Have fun traveling!
    Keep cheering.

  8. Wait until next year it will be lower again. It is always easier to get a lower number against a higher number.


  9. Didn't check but gut says more bad stats from Common Core grads.

    Assuming that there are many more cars registered now than in 1964. And that total population is greater as well as licensed drivers. There were very few passive safety features in 1964 cars; IIRC it was the first year for manufacturer installed seat belts, as an example.

    Google just told me 1964 population was 191 million; it's just under 320 million today. So more people could actually die but without meaningful contextual information it's just another PR campaign.

    Don't forget, many more people will die in aircraft crashes this year than in 1902.

  10. Thanks, 156, for pointing that out, and gas is $2 instead of $4 a gallon, which makes for more on the road. I'm just going to refuse to fly again until it's 1902 again!

  11. could it be the terrible driving of people? no one seems to know or obey the rules of the road. everybody wants to be first in line and nobody wants to be passed or move over to the right lane where they belong. AND this current crop of truck drivers. Every week I read of at LEAST one wreck, turn over, falling off bridges, getting stuck under bridges, you name it.

    Just pass some more laws that will fix it. Just like we got rid of the drugs and guns.


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