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Monday, August 29, 2016

'My Work As Secretary of State Was Not Influenced by Any Outside Sources'

(CNSNews.com) - "Hillary Clinton ran the State Department like a failed leader in a third-world country," Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told a campaign rally in Tampa, Florida on Wednesday. "She sold favors and access in exchange for cash."

In a telephone interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper on Wednesday night, Democrat Hillary Clinton was asked to respond.

"Well, first, What Trump has said is ridiculous. My work as secretary of state was not influenced by any outside forces," Clinton said. "I made policy decisions based on what I thought was right, to keep Americans safe and to protect U.S. interests abroad.

"No wild political attack by Donald Trump is going to change that. And, in fact, the State Department has said itself that there is no evidence of any kind of impropriety at all."



  1. Nice job keeping us safe, nitwit.

  2. It's like she didn't read the AP report. They stated upfront that they only looked at visits with private individuals and those that she might might have met as Secy of State were excluded. When she mentions the foundation's transparency in 2009, there was a missed opportunity for Anderson Cooper to point out how according to their 2013 tax returns only 10% of the money actually went to charity. The Clinton Foundation does a good job at acting as a middleman to hook charities up with grant money. Especially if a friend is in the board of the charity... Keep her feet to the fire!

  3. Hillary you such a liar!

  4. Lies, lies, lies lies. She opens that ugly trap and it is 100% chance of a lie.
    Just listened to Kojo on NPR as they accused the D.C. city manager of lying over and over for a half hour. But then they kiss Hillary's behind even as she has proven herself incapable of making even ONE honest statement this whole campaign. Even as she cheats and steals and auctions this country off to the highest bidder.

  5. She is lying again. Nothing new.

  6. Just look at that sh-t eating grin. This tell it all, don't have to research it. Every picture tells a story. How could any one person vote for that. Look at that mug and vision here thinking " I sure screwed you and you are stupid enough to vote me in as the top turd "

  7. Wow, she is sure counting on her accomplices to have her back. If they don't, they wake up mysteriously dead...

  8. The drug-induced, lunatic has NOT made Americans safe. Is she suffering from multiple personality disorders??? She either needs more medicine or she isn't taking enough. She must be living in the same virtual reality as obama.

  9. She pisses on you leg and tries to tell you it's raining

  10. She has done everything she is told to do.
    Her bosses are the richest people in the world.
    They have great plans for themselves and their control over humanity.
    She will be an integral part of those plans, as was Obammy.

  11. the Clintons are a close knit loving couple

  12. Ask about the uranium deal and exactly how THAT helped "American security"?

    She (and the entire democratic party, too) have reached the point where, no matter what the facts and evidence say (including, with emphasis, the Director of the FBI), they think that all they have to do is just SAY whatever they want and expect you to absolutely believe it.
    It's unreal.
    She could sprout horns, claws, and a forked tail and there would be millions lined up to kiss her ace and tell the world to stop hating.
    I have never seen a group of politicians so intent on demeaning and denigrating their own country. FOR MONEY!
    Not idealism or patriotism, or moral committment. Just money.
    Whores and whoremongers.
    And a presidential candidate!
    Keep cheering.


  13. So glad that pic wasn't in 3-D. Her Pinocchio nose would have poked my eye out.

    She is following the path paved by Hitler and his propaganda minister Goebbels of repeatedly telling the 'Big Lie'; people become accustomed to hearing it and begin to give it credence.

    Instead of brown shirts it's pants suits.


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