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Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Multiple staffers help unstable Hillary up stairs

The questionable health condition of Hillary Clinton should be a major issue of the 2016 campaign.
The latest evidence comes in the form of Clinton being helped up a set of stairs by multiple individuals outside what appears to be a home.
The photos, published by Reuters and Getty, show the 68-year-old candidate with aides holding her arms as she ascends the stairs.


  1. too much wine to keep down all the BS she saids..

  2. Looks like she isn't in good health as she would have you believe. Probably has dementia too that is why she says and does crazy things and then lies about it or maybe she just can't remember it. Either way not fit to be President. VOTE TRUMP>

  3. I don't like her but if she needs help I hope she gets it. I think she should never be president, no more Clinton's in any office please.

  4. Get that woman a Kaine. Was a funny play on words that I enjoyed but the truth is both of these people are too old to be president.

  5. She needs a Hurry Cane. Just not the Freedom Edition. Wouldn't be right for that lying skunk to have a Freedom Edition of anything.

  6. there is NO doubt she's dealing with major health issues. it's very obvious in many ways.

  7. Hillary is the devil, but in all fairness this is not a recent photo. It's from last February in SC.

    Just to be fair, we should have Trump and Hillary walk up stairs in the debate.

  8. Unstable is a description of both her physical and mental health.


  9. 'Weekend at Hillarys' filming now! October release.

    Her staff hairdresser will be joined by a taxidermist.

  10. She insists as many campaign stops as possible be at microbrewerys. She's probably loaded.

  11. I see that most commenters here are NOT AWARE of the many videos of Hillary demonstrating debilitating health problems.

    This is not a joke. It is real.

    This person is physically ill. She is having seizures in front of cameras. She has a hole in the tongue (literally). She makes goofy faces and laughs at inappropriate times, and for too long.

  12. It was February in the ice
    FDR was a president in a wheelchair
    U people r awful
    Wringing your hands like trump making fun of disabled journalist

  13. FDR was in a wheelchair, but he was debilitated from the waist down, not the neck up.


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