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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Mom Sees SICK Thing Teacher Gave Her Child, Sends “Special” Message Back

A mom in California discovered unsettling news of what her son has been taught in his seventh grade class. She’s upset, and she has every reason to be.

When Tara Cali went to open up her son’s history textbook to help with his homework, she noticed the lesson was all about Islam. For the actual homework assignment, students were asked to write down the “Pillars of Islam” and “Islamic Beliefs and Rituals.”

That’s not all though. There was even a code students could scan with their smart phone to hear a Muslim prayer in action.

Cali wrote an epic message back to the teacher on the actual worksheet. She was tremendously upset, and rightly so. Her son is being indoctrinated with Islam. Learning about other cultures is fine, but when a homework assignment is dedicated to learning Muslim prayers, something is wrong.



  1. I guess separation of church and state doesn't apply to Islam.

  2. Just sick, thank the Lord my child is out of school, her mind is already filled with all the mixed gender crap, don't need this on top of it.

  3. In the message, Cali wrote “My son will NOT be a part of this in any sort of way.” Furthermore, she said that “This is bad teaching material that he will NOT partake in.”

    I assumes Cali and her son know everything there is to know about Christianity since I assume they are very active in their church. I did not see anything that would indicate indoctrination in Islam. But instead it appeared that what is being taught would be good for every American to know about. The more we understand about Islam the better we will understand how to deal with it.

    Unfortunately there are fearful ignorant adults who want their children to be fearful and ignorant too. I suppose they can't help themselves.

  4. rEasy lawsuit! Quick cash in my book.

  5. There are those of us who learned all we need to know about islam on 9/11.

  6. This is ridiculous. There is a difference between being educated and indoctrinated. I remember learning about the main tenets of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam in history class when I was in school.

    By the way, I was taught this in a Christian school. (Contrary to popular belief, Christian schools do not just study the Old Testament in the morning and the New Testament in the afternoon. All the basic subjects are covered including handwriting classes where cursive is taught.)

  7. This county has been taken over from the inside out!! rough road ahead I truly hope you're prepared if your white and consider yourself a Christian

  8. A revolution is coming folks. Islam must be eradicated.

  9. No Lord's Prayer or mention of Jesus because of separation of church and state. So there should be no Islam or Muslim taught either.

  10. 8:21. I bet you know nothing about Islam. Look up Islamic history and get back to us.

  11. The teacher should be publicly held accountable by the citizens of that community the government in this country doesn't work anymore.

  12. Im sure they teach that if you're not of the Islamic faith you need to die, if you are gay you need to die teach the whole thing not just the good parts

  13. Indoctrination.
    The Ten Commandents can't be taught but the Five Pillars of Islam can?
    Jesus's name can't be mentioned and His name cannot even appear on a t-shirt worn by a student. The American flag is "offensive" and shouldn't be seen. American students are forced to watch foreigners wave THEIR flag and celebrate FOREIGN holidays and get suspended for "agitating" if they show the Stars and Stripes. Schools schedule "dress up days", where kids are supposed to dress like muslims....

    Keep cheering!

  14. All of this is happening because of Muslim obama. He commanded all history textbooks be changed and American/US History texts have either been deleted or modified to make the child believe our country's history was/is bad. What a load of crap!

    He handpicks liars, and cheats, and and other muslims in his administration to carry out his subversive works. Why do you think once proud colleges have collectively lost their minds? The liberal, biased trash they are ramming down our children's throats. Another load of crap!!

    Almost on a daily basis we are learning some far left-wing teacher/s are trying to subvert our children into indoctrination of muslim beliefs. Another BIG load of crap!!!

    Muslims want to come to this country and change how this country was founded and what Americans believe. If you want to wear your garb, stay in a muslim country. If you want to believe in a made up prophet, stay in a muslim country. And if you want to overthrow our country, rot in hell!

  15. Do they also teach that the quran was revealed to Mohammed who married a child when she was 6? How about that he had a dozen or so wives? Do they tell the part about the virgins and prepubescent boys when they get to heaven? Do they teach that the men can beat his wife?

  16. Islam is an evil religion and all who practice it should die and go to hell.


  17. Learning about all major religions is beneficial.

    If that is the objective a similar degree of detail should be provided about each religion. That does not appear to be part of this lesson plan.

    This is indoctrination, and it's being done in the open but on the sly. It is totally unacceptable. Those responsible for buying the curriculum should be disciplined. The producer of these materials needs to come under withering scrutiny.

  18. Religion has had a great deal of influence on history, for good and for evil. As such, it should be taught in historical context, which requires an understanding of the ideolog. The "five pillars of Islam" is not necessary to understand that the Crusades were fought to stop the aggressive expansion of Islam towards Europe.


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