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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Milwaukee Riots After Police Shoot Armed Black Suspect; Police Cars Burned, Officer Injured

Late on Saturday afternoon police in Milwaukee, Wisconsin shot an armed suspect fleeing from a car on the city’s North Side. Not long after the shooting a large group of residents initiated a confrontation with police that included at least one squad car being burned. A gas station and other autos were also torched.

The officer-involved shooting occurred at around 3:30 PM and involved two MPD officers who had stopped a car near the 3200 block of N. 44th Street. The two suspects inside fled on foot with the officers giving chase. In short order one of the suspects pointed a semi-automatic pistol at the officers and was killed, according to CBS.

In the hours after the shooting groups of residents in the mostly African-American neighborhood gathered near the crime scene and soon began taunting police officers investigating the incident.

The taunting continued for some time and then turned violent, with police cars being swarmed and pelted with bricks and rocks as a small-scale riot broke out.



  1. Just everybody stop trying to solve the racial issue.It can't be done now or ever.Anyone who believes otherwise is fooling themselves.

  2. This rioting can be stopped in 5 minutes if they have the guts to do it.

  3. shoot the people who are giving the police problems.

  4. I say the same thing I said about Ferguson and Baltimore, if they want to burn down the City then no tax dollars should go to rebuild. Why should the tax payer pay for their arson, looting and rioting? The DemocRATs allow the gangs and drugs to operate in these areas while receiving Public Assistance instead of working then they should pay for the rebuilding. They receive a government check they work for it. The only other solution is allow private industry to rebuild these areas without tax dollars using these thugs as labor.

  5. Shoot 'em on sight, and any judge that thinks this is unconstitutional would be tried for treason.

    No more Black lawlessness! Shape up or be put down!

  6. It's obvious people in the projects aren't afraid of the police.

  7. This isn't a racial issue , this is just an excuse to destroy . These people are pure animals that should be terminated. I now consider them my enemy.

  8. No person should be afraid of police 6:06, but everyone should respect the law of the land. Act civil in our society if you want to live here. If you are not capable of being domesticated, leave or be put down.

  9. It's an inevitable race war on the horizon!!!

  10. I gave an answer to 4:19 on why there continues to be a racial issue and you did not publish it perhaps because it pointed to continued white responsibility. All nine published comments before I wrote this one here blamed black people totally and one person suggested a race war was coming. This type of pandering to white bias toward others gives an unbalanced picture of the world.

    1. Your comment is so important is will balance the world? Wow. Good stuff.

    2. No we're just sick of all the nonsense and looking the other way while everybody cries poor me. It's old and if the blacks are so disgruntled and want to riot loot kill I say bring it lets get it done over with and the survivors can pick up the pieces until it raises its ugly head another 200 years down the road

  11. The Ape People are at it again, as usual.

  12. I'm absolutely preparing for the ignorant uneducated nimrod out in the street to either target myself or a family member because we're white

  13. Black population is 13%....and 85% of those blacks are incarcerated....They are greatly out numberd....and Obama is trying to get a race war going......ha ha ha ha...bring it on HOMIES....

  14. Your comment is so important is will balance the world? Wow. Good stuff.

    August 14, 2016 at 8:25 PM

    Not my 8:12 comment 8:25 but the comment I made before that was not published.

    This comment by 8:22 is an excellent example of race bias: "The Ape People are at it again, as usual."

    Don't believe for one minute there are no racist white people and that many of them don't find a home right here.

  15. 857 I think we all agree their are racist white people. Let's face it in 2016 it's a sin to be White male.

  16. From the reports it states that a Black cop shot a fleeing Black felon brandishing a gun.
    Let's cut the PC crap, and look at this realistically:
    The shooting had absolutely NOTHING to do with the rioting. It's just an excuse - a reason to go out and have some fun, and maybe even loot a few stores.
    No more - no less.
    It's not just a Black thing either.
    I've been involved, actively involved, in a few riots (I'm white, by the way), and except for a few idiots that broke some windows and looted some stores, we all had a pretty good time.
    A few memorable riots:
    1. Closing down Route 1 in College Park protesting Vietnam.
    2. The MLK, Jr. riots in downtown Baltimore.
    3. The San Francisco riots when the night they won the Super Bowl in the 70's.
    My point is that all these interviews and statements about race and racism and cops and jobs and on and on and on, is a load of crap.
    It's just a way to blow off some steam on a hot summer night, and there ain't a thing anybody can do to prevent it from happening.

  17. I read in an article that the person who died had a handgun with 23 bullets in it, more than the officer had in his gun. Yet the person's sister says that he should have been tased, if anything. And he shot by an African American police officer. This was just an excuse to cause mayhem. What, you people are exempt from the law?


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