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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Meteorologist: ‘This Heat Wave Is Child’s Play Compared to 1930s'

(CNSNews.com) – Meteorologist Joe Bastardi says the current heat wave in most parts of the U.S. – which tied the 135-year-old record temperature in Washington, D.C. on Saturday – is “child’s play compared to the 1930s.”

The National Weather Service (NWS) issued an "excessive heat warning" for "a prolonged period of dangerously hot temperatures" for much of the East coast, which remains in effect until 8 pm on Tuesday.

According to the NWS, the temperature at Ronald Reagan International Airport hit 101 degrees on Saturday, tying the old record of 101 degrees set on Aug. 13, 1881.

But if global temperatures are getting warmer because of manmade activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, why was it so hot 135 years ago? CNSNews.com asked Bastardi, who is currently the chief forecaster at Weather Bell Analytics and the former chief long-range forecaster at Accuweather.

“There is no question this weekend was hot, with temperatures challenging and breaking records across the northeast,” Bastardi replied. “But to offer some perspective, many of these records went back to the 1800s, which meant [that] even without urban buildup, it was just as hot then.”

Bastardi added that 101 degrees is nothing compared to the heat wave that struck the Washington region back in the 1930s.

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  1. The lazy liberal global warming people won't know what to say about this info.

  2. Every month this year has been the hottest on record

  3. And they didn't have a/c back then either

  4. Oh, God, we're going to be okay after all!

    Al Gore has no balls!

  5. Is anyone here a scientist? or an expert in this field? Cause, I'm not... and I don't know if climate change/global warming is man made or not... but there seems to be an overwhelming consensus with the experts that it is. Until shown otherwise, I'm gonna er on the side of caution with them.

    You don't go to the doctor, and when he says: all the evidence and experts conclude you have brain cancer... you don't then ask your neighbor what they think about it and they say "you look fine to me!", then conclude... "welp, that settles it, no cancer treatments for me... I look fine!"


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