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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Media Outrage After Trump Suggests "2nd Amendment People" Could Stop Hillary

Just three days ago, as Hillary Clinton "short-circuited", we noted "the only question is whether Trump can keep his mouth shut long enough to give Hillary more chances to stick her foot in hers." 

Unfortunately, despite the potential for the Orlando shooter's father to play on tonight's media spin, Trump has managed to once again refocus media attention all on himself - by noting that "maybe '2nd Amendment people' can stop Hillary Clinton."

Donald Trump on Tuesday seemed to suggest to his supporters that one way to avoid a potential President Hillary Clinton getting to select multiple Supreme Court nominees would be by way of armed revolt.

“Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment,” Trump began.

“By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is."

"But I’ll tell you what: that will be a horrible day. If Hillary gets to put her judges—right now we’re tied, you see what’s going on, we’re tied because Scalia—this was not supposed to happen, Justice Scalia was supposed to be around for ten more years at least. And now he’s gone.”

Needless to say, the public attention fell on the bolded part, and after his quote made the rounds among the disgruntled political media and punditry, which slammed Trump for calling for "inviting violence" against Hillary...



  1. He's not telling them to do it he's predicting what will happen and like he said it would be horrible for the nation. Much better that she just lose and go away.

  2. Scalia another evil illuminati death to hurry in NWO controls

  3. MSM is so corrupt.

  4. There is no way his words could be spun into what the Dems have spun it into, but they did it anyway! Totally unreal!

  5. Trump 2016!!! The man with a plan make America great again

  6. Much to do about nothing. Everyone should know by now, to not take these off the cuff remarks seriously. Although, it's not a bad idea.

  7. Every day media finds something to blow out of pproportion. What about hrc's remarks & past "no no s"? Last month they bemoaned the length of his tie. IDIOTS!

  8. Doesn't matter what he says. The media and his enemies will twist his words or edit out the rest of what he says. Its amazing to me the amount of traitors and corrupt officials in the Republican party! Both sides are working against him because he isn't afraid to say what is on his mind. As a person, I find him very arrogant, but I like and agree with most of the statements he has made. For what it is worth, he has my vote.


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