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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Md. school district: Don’t tell parents if transgender males bunk with daughters

A Maryland school district is instructing teachers and administrators not to tell parents if their daughters are bunking with male students who identify as girls on overnight field trips.

Bob Mosier, chief communications officer for Anne Arundel County Public Schools, says in a training video detailing how to accommodate transgender students that privacy issues regarding the student prevent the district from informing parents about such arrangements.

“So, many of you might be asking yourselves, ‘So I’m at an overnight field trip, and I have student who’s biologically a male, identifies as a female, and we’ve worked with that student and her family, and that student wants to sleep in the dorms, or whatever sleeping arrangements are, with the females,’” Mr. Mosier says in a video of the training session. “They don’t want to sleep in a room by themselves; they want to sleep with the rest of the females. So what do we do?



  1. If you have to ask "So what do we do?", then you have no business being in charge of the students in question.

    Find another line of work.

  2. If I was 16 again and had an option to camp out in a tent with the girls by telling a little white lie, my only question would've been, "Where do I sign up?"!
    (By the way: The world is completely nuts anymore.)

    1. You would probably be Arrested for Rape idiot.

    2. Today, the girls would be arrested for Rape idiot (sic).

  3. Mr Mosier has it exactly backwards: it is NOT the right answer but it is the easy answer. I would say God help us but why should he? As a society we are making our bed. He will let us sleep in it.

  4. What about the rights and safety of the children who identify as the sex they were born with?

  5. Satanism inverts reality.
    God is bad.
    Satan is good.
    Good is bad.
    Female is male.
    War is peace.
    Sick is healthy.
    So on.

  6. Ridiculous non issue.

    So... where should the gay kids sleep or use the restroom? For YEARS they have been using the same facilities and no one cared? Wouldn't they be more of a threat, they would be directly interested in their same sex bunk mates? right?

    This is no more than a stupid distraction.

  7. If parents dont stand up to this the country is Lost ,this is a test for Islam.

  8. K thanks he has a change of clothes also.

  9. Easy fix. In no circumstance should there be overnight activities for any student high school age and younger without a parent involved.


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