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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

McAuliffe Fuels New Distrust of Clinton Over Her Position on Trade

PHILADELPHIA — Gov. Terry McAuliffe fueled new distrust of Hillary Clinton among liberal Democrats this week with a declaration that the presidential nominee was likely to reverse her position on the Trans-Pacific Partnership after the election.

The Clinton campaign swiftly rejected the idea that she would waver on the TPP and called her longtime friend and chairman of her 2008 campaign “flat wrong.”

But Republican nominee Donald Trump seized the moment, saying that McAuliffe revealed Clinton’s true nature as a free trader — and a flip-flopper whom voters shouldn’t trust.

The incident forced the governor to spend the next 24 hours in cleanup mode, and it offered a potent reminder of the trust deficit among voters that has dogged Clinton throughout the campaign — most notably with her explanations of her use of a private email server while secretary of state.



  1. Hillary demonstrates almost every day that she is a pathological liar and a psychopath.
    Why would this situation be any different?
    I'm sure McAuliffe is right.

  2. She absolutely will changer her position. People need to pay attention to this lying a$$ POS! I am ready to rid myself (including family members) of anyone willing to vote for this woman.


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